You can take that Frostmourne.

Not bad at all.


When Sindragosa arrived, the temperature between heaven and earth dropped even further.

"A group of idiots... actually attacked the Lich King. The cold wind in Northrend will destroy your souls..."

Along with that contemptuous tone.

Terrible cold wind.

Sweeping directly across the entire land.

Moreover, countless ice spikes are gathering in the sky.

Almost instantly.

Just burst out.

Su Han's eyes turned cold, and the four magic clouds appeared on his fingertips.


An unknown wave of energy rose.

All ice spikes are in flight.

It was broken instantly.

When everyone saw him taking action, they knew that Su Han wanted to take over the battle.

"Let's go, let's go somewhere else..."

"Well, wipe out the other Scourge legions on this land."

Everyone evacuated.

Sylvanas said angrily: "What are you doing? Su Han is fighting against the Lich King... Why are you running away? Cowards..."

As she said that, she held a long bow and wanted to catch up.

At least he has to follow Su Han.

However, I have just taken a step.

His bow and arrow were stopped by a man dressed as a bard.

"what you do?"

Faced with her anger.

Wendy smiled and said: "You... don't be angry. As long as Su Han takes action, the Lich King won't cause any big problems, and you will see it soon.

The fall of the Mother of Blue Dragons! "


"Don't panic, just watch quietly..."

While talking.

Su Han came to Sindragosa (bcfe).

Just reach out and pull.

The opponent's huge body fell towards the ground uncontrollably.

That effect of gravity.

Sindragosa fell to the ground and was unable to get up for a long time.

"I haven't used this power for a long time, so I'll teach you a lesson...forget your own pride, you guy with a confused soul.

Feel the power of human beings.

Gravity Knife·Breaking the Sea! "


Purple sword energy.

Get out.

The ground is shattered.

And Sindragosa flew towards the distant coast with the sword energy.

She kept screaming and struggling.

However, the body is not under control at all.

Until it came to the coast.

His body was completely wrapped in rocks and then he became quiet.

Seal Sindragosa, the mother of blue dragons, with one blow.

If it weren't for the purpose of winning over future Blue Dragons.

Su Han even wanted to kill the other party.

There's no ice dragon in the way.

Su Han looked at the Lich King and said with a smile: "Muradin Bronzebeard... or Ner'zhul... or Kil'jaeden...

Although I don’t know who ordered you to come here.

But your power piqued my interest.

Come on...let me feel it.

The power of this rune weapon.

Let’s talk about it first, don’t be unable to catch my sword...”

"Ignorant brat, how do you know the power of Lord Ner'zhul, do you know the existence of that Lord."

"Kil'jaeden is just an eredar. I know his existence and ending. But... I wonder if you know this power?"

Su Han took back the four methods of Qingyun.

Take out a blood magic sword.

Living artifact.


This is the weapon of Emperor Denathrius.

And now she has to face countless undead armies.

She was originally a sword girl who survived by devouring countless animas.

Saw so many undead.

Suddenly, the sound of joy erupted.

" dear master, there are so many weapons here. Lemonia loves you so much..."

"Let me taste these animas."

"Huh? What is that...the Rune Sword, something from the Shadow can it appear here?"

Facing Lemonia's voice.

Muradin Bronzebeard was also shocked.

And the weapon in his hand.

He also trembled.

It was originally something produced in the Shadow Realm.

Meeting Lemonia will definitely be touching.

But at this time, Lemonia didn't care so much, because the master's order had been issued.

Blood red sword energy.

Ice blue sword energy.

Two forces intertwined here.

The ground melted instantly.

The blood-red power directly swallowed Youlan.

It seems that he wants to destroy the Lich King.

Jian Bing still seems to want to resist.

But Lemonia's power penetrated the ice, trying to swallow the Muradin Bronzebeard and the Rune Sword.

But at this moment.

A twisted darkness emerges.

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