Frostmourne was taken away.

Chapter 749 Frostmourne’s escape, Sylvanas’ choice

In that dark vortex.

Su Han saw countless chaotic forces.

Far more terrifying than the abyss.

Far more evil than the abyss.

This is Kil'jaeden's power.

When he launched an attack to leave Frostmourne behind.

An extremely - evil arrow of chaos.

But flew out of the dark cave.

"Kid... I like you very much. Become my subordinate... Do you want to become the king of the world... All women, everything is yours..."

"Oh? Now that Sargeras is in a deep sleep, why are you, an eredar, pretending to be like me...waiting for one day, I will personally destroy you.

Along with your Dark Titan.

And destroy all those demons.

By the way...I don't know if you understand a question.

Did you really create the Dread Lord under you? Do you understand their origins..."

Time delete is activated.

The arrow penetrated the body.

fell far away.

Su Han took advantage of the acceleration of time and came to the entrance of the dark cave.

Sure enough, there was no Kil'jaeden inside.

It's just a touch of ability left by the other party.

Frostmourne is gone.


The dark vortex has disappeared.

Muradin Bronzebeard behind him was completely useless.

Now kneeling on the ground.

All the strength of the body has been drained away.

"My could...Lord Kil'jaeden..."

Finally, the voice continued to drop.

Muradin Bronzebeard fell to the ground.

There was absolutely no sound.

He has perished.

Everything around him returned to normal.

Sylvanas looked at the huge sphere in the sky in the distance and asked, "What should I do with this thing?"

"Contact the Blue Dragon. It can be sealed for a long time. If you protect the soul well, maybe I can revive it next time you come over!"


"Well, there is not enough time now. After saving you...saving Quel'Thalas, the time we can stay is getting shorter and shorter.

Maybe I will leave at dawn. "

"Where are you going? Are you going back to where you can I contact you..."

Su Han turned to look at Miss Youxia.

The other party was a little anxious.

At the same time there was some reluctance.

Although I only had contact with him for a while.

However, the other party has already been attracted.

"Unable to contact, even if I want to leave some contact information, our world cannot be linked, probably... next time.

It means all races attack Icecrown Citadel.

Until the Lich King is destroyed.

Maybe I'll show up.

Or attack Ulduar... Now the Sunwell has not been destroyed, and it has not been contaminated.

I feel like I can hold on here for a while.

A word of warning.

Don't trust Kael'thas.

He is a man who can sacrifice everything for himself! "

Savor Su Han's words carefully.

Sylvanas raised her head and asked, "So, were you lying to me just now?"

"How come... I really like it, but... it doesn't seem good if I take you away now. Can you abandon your hometown?

Can you abandon your loved ones?

Maybe we will never come again once we leave, you have to consider this... At the same time, this time saves you.

If nothing unexpected happens.

You can live peacefully for a long time.

This puts me at ease..."

Didn't become the Banshee Queen.

It means Sylvanas is absolutely safe.

There will be no further activities such as burning trees.

But the other party was silent.

Until the rain curtain continues to fall from the sky.

The other party suddenly raised his head and said: "What if I am willing to leave with you... Next time I come, I can better help my hometown. The elves are all immortals.

And... everyone has their own choice. "

She is not the kind of person who falls in love at first sight.

However, if you miss it.

It’s just that we may not be able to meet each other in our lifetime.

The strength of the opponent.


All correct.


Still stay.

This became a Sylvanas problem.

In the end, she chose to leave with Su Han.

"Are you serious?"


Short answer.

Represents the beliefs of the Ranger General.

Su Han was silent for a moment and said: "I don't have just one woman, it can also be said that I am not exclusive... I have many women.

There are gods among them.

There are humans too.

I don’t want to lie to you, nor do I want you to be deceived.

My lifespan is nearly eternity.

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