What is going on here?

A small town was attacked by hundreds of monsters.

And the ley lines are so unstable...I feel like throwing up. "

A video was added later.

Su Han clicked to open.

I saw that the picture was taken from a high altitude.

This is a town located on a huge lake.

There are a lot of monsters around.

Moreover, you can see countless monsters emerging from the lakeside.

Even though Mona is powerful.

Also very annoyed.

Those monsters are not the hounds from the previous beast realm.

Not that kind of apostle of the abyss.

It's something like a bug.

They look like fish.

But it can float in the air.

There are so many.

No wonder even Mona found it troublesome.

It was simply terrifying.

Zhongli: "I have come into contact with these monsters before. At that time, a demon controlled a large number of insects to attack Liyue. I dealt with them for a long time at that time.

Unforgettable to this day. "

The bugs are tiny.

He can't be destroyed with a rock gun.

I originally thought it was the power of the demon god.

Or the forces under his command.

Just found out now.

Was it an abyss?

Lisa: "You mean...you've seen these monsters before? But...these bugs look quite vicious."

in the screen.

Bugs gnaw at everything they can.

After they swallow the living body.

It evolved directly.

The original carapace also became shiny.

Such a terrifying creature.

In just an instant, the entire town was covered.

Mona had no choice.

Directly use a move called Water-Tian Resonance.

Break all the bugs into pieces.

However, problems also arise.

After the bug breaks apart.

But some foul-smelling liquid will splash out.

These things fall on living beings.

Dissolution occurred directly.

It's simply more terrifying than poison.

Ningguang: "Now that Fengdan is in such a situation, why don't they take any action? Could it be that Lord Water God... is really such a proud existence.

Even if it’s just asking for support〃~. "

Rosalin: "How should I put it? Of the gods from all over the world, the one I hate most is probably the Water God. Although I have never seen him... his personality is really unpleasant."

Yae Shenzi: "Well... I haven't really had much contact with the water god."

Wendy: "Water Goddess... How should I put it? She is a black and white person, and it is too easy to take things seriously... Everything must follow a rule.

Therefore, Fontaine is also a place where the law is very cautious.

Judges are everywhere.

However, this can also cause a problem.

Fontaine people think very highly of themselves.

It's hard for us to say about the current situation...because when we first met, the Water God was always aloof and looked down upon by everyone. "

Lei Movie: "Well...it's true. When I was sitting at the bottom of the table as a shadow dancer, the water god even said something arrogantly.

Now that I think about it, I can’t help but want to chop it with a knife. "

Raiden Zhen: "Pfft... Hahaha, that woman is indeed arrogant and arrogant. That's for sure... But she also has a headache now..."

Yora: "Then... what kind of existence is the Water God?"

faced her inquiry.

Someone soon gave the answer.

Wendy: “The other person is a guy with very fair skin, long blond curly hair, and always wears a very beautiful princess dress.

When speaking, he also uses a beautiful folding fan to cover his mouth.

Hmm...how to put it.

Fontaine lived elegance.

And nobility.

I learned it all from this water god... For example, the extremely complicated etiquette... and other things, I learned it from her.

That's why I say that I can't get along with her very much.

I get a terrible headache every time I meet...

Can you imagine?

She had to wash her hands three times before entering the door, and she also asked me to kneel down and kiss the back of her hand.

It’s really enough…”

Wendy is the most free spirit.

But the other party pays attention to etiquette.

No wonder they can't get along.

Ningguang: " @Su Han...what are you going to do? Should we go to support...or should we communicate with the water god..."

The situation is not optimistic now.

How terrifying is Mona's strength?

Even she found it difficult.

You can imagine how serious the situation in Fontaine is now.

Even Ning Guang is thinking.

Should we intervene directly?

As a result, he gave a completely opposite answer.

Su Han: " @Mona...retreat, let all the spies stay on standby...the rest of the combat troops, all evacuate Fontaine."

Mona: ".¨???"

Xiang Ling: "Brother Su Han, what are you talking about? If Mona retreats now... wouldn't Fengdan..."

Wendy: "Are you trying to force the other party to make a decision?"

Su Han: "Since the Water God does not accept our good intentions, retreating is the most honorable way. If she thinks she can handle it, let her handle it.

I don't have the time to deal with those monsters all the time.

As for the Fontaine people...if they don't want to die, they can just cross the border.

Set up large aid stations directly at the border.

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