At the same time, let Beidou's fleet go over and suppress it.

By the way, let the Uchiha clan stay there for two days and take a look at the scenery there..."

It's really a habit.

Since the water god doesn't know what's interesting.

Just let her understand.

What will be the consequences of offending yourself?

Don't really think so.

I really want Fontaine.

After getting the order.

Mona was also stunned for a moment.

But look at Su Han's determination.

There is also the detoxification of Yae Shenzi.

(No money is good)

Mona could only sigh in her heart.

After killing this wave of monsters, she directly found the manager here.

Said to evacuate.

"Sir, do you want to evacuate? But... monsters appear every day... If you leave, we..."

"I'm sorry, I am a staff member of Liyue. After receiving the order from Su Han, I can only retreat. This is not my country...

And my letter has already been delivered to them, right?

But there was no reaction from you.

terribly sorry..."

With that said, Mona retreated directly with her people.

As for the desperate eyes of those people.

She chose to ignore them all.

It cannot be said that Mona is heartless.

Sometimes people just need to be tougher.

Experienced a lot of fighting.

Mona has already become indifferent now.

I won't be swayed by these things at all.

If you are soft-hearted.

Instead, it will be used by the other party.

Chapter 757 The infected water god assassin group, the prelude to the killing that turns against each other

when the order is delivered.

There were soldiers from all over Fontaine, as well as a large number of knights.

Begin an orderly retreat.

However, their behavior.

But it made the people of Fontaine panic.

A high-ranking judge stopped in front of the knight and begged: "Sir, please don't leave. Once you choose to leave,

Fontaine is about to be completely finished. "

"This is not our fault. Lord Su Han sent us here for rescue, but we neither received your official reception nor received any orders from Lord Water God.

Such a dismissive attitude.

It's not just an insult to Lord Su Han's dignity.

Even we feel humiliated.

There is a saying that goes well.

This is not our country. We come here only as an obligation, but when we leave it is an order.

If you want our help.

Please contact Mr. Su Han.

Please don't stop us, otherwise... we will treat you as enemies.

Black Blade shows no mercy. "

He looked at the sword turning into pitch black in the knight's hand.

The blond judge quickly stepped aside and left.

Watching those hundreds of powerful knights leave.

He was extremely confused inside.

What should I do?

And what should Fontaine do now?

"My lord, my lord...monsters have attacked the granary!!!"


Hear calls and screams from behind.

The judge drew his weapon.

He turned around and entered the battle.

983 Such things happen all over Fontaine.

In a certain city, a large number of aquatic creatures were seen invading.

People were completely afraid.

Su Han's army has withdrawn.

Now they can't resist.

Arguably, when these monsters hunt.

The people in this city will suffer heavy casualties.

But can they blame Su Han for withdrawing?

If it weren't for the water god's inaction.

They certainly won't be like this.

When the abyss monsters let out their hunting roars, people's eyes were filled with despair.




Dark shadows filled the sky and rushed towards me.

What caught people's eyes were countless bloody mouths.

But don't wait for these monsters to fall.

Then there was a large splash of water that tore these guys apart.

Water splashes condensed in the air.

Turn into assassins.

People were happy when they saw this.

"It's Lord Water God's assassin group!"

"Is it the Green Flower Assassin Group?"

"What a powerful strength..."

People looked happy.

Hope blooms again.

It's a pity that they didn't have time to be happy at all.

The toxins in those monsters.

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