Then he defiled these assassins.

Green Flower Assassin.

He is an assassin killer in the pure water element.

Dealing with things specifically for the water god.

This time I came to save the people.

It's a pity, the poison of the abyss.

It will completely infect them.

The assassin group that was still protecting people was infected by the purple poison and instantly turned against them.

They turned into more ruthless killers.

Most of the people in the entire city were directly slaughtered.

Only a small number of people remained hiding in the bunker.

Or hidden in some construction sites.

Only then did he escape a disaster.

But this picture.

But it makes people completely despair.

Green Flower Assassin Group.

Why kill them?

The earth has been infected with blood.

The spies who stayed in Fontaine sighed.

The picture is then transmitted to heaven.


Gan Yu looked at the pieces of information in front of him with unbearable eyes.

Just when Su Han announced his evacuation.

Fontaine lost thirty thousand men in one hour.

Arguably because of his orders.

These 30,000 people perished.

So, the kind-hearted Yeyang came to Su Han with information.

At this time, he was studying the current Teyvat.

Now the map has been optimized for 3D graphics.

At the same time, everything can be zoomed in.

Seeing Gan Yu coming, Su Han knew what the other party wanted.

"The situation in Fontaine is very bad now, isn't it?"

"You knew already?"

"More than that... I know everything that is happening in Fontaine now... I understand your intolerance, but the Water God has never contacted us.

Our good intentions actually enhance the other person's prestige.

It won't even be accepted.

Look at Aini?

She has the hottest temper.

However, the other party is not a fool.

Domestic (bcfe) matters were directly handed over to me, and I even threatened to disobey the management.

You can come directly to challenge me.

How long has the whole Natta been struggling?

All conquered in less than a week! The previous troubles and some problems have been solved, even if everyone thought that Aini would turn against me.

But the other party said that he did not want to run the country in the first place.

It's enough to be able to fight happily.

How is Nata doing now?

What about the people of Nata?

The water god made this choice and completely gave up on the people.

If she is willing, then so am I.

People can leave, and I will welcome them when they come to Liyue, and the borders will be guarded..."

"But, those people are all innocent!"

Gan Yu still couldn't bear it.

After all, the picture is too brutal.

Many children were torn apart by this.

They haven't finished enjoying their childhood.

Yae Shenzi next to him comforted: "You are just too kind... This is not a bad thing, but sometimes...

A character like yours is too much of a disadvantage.

In fact, we all knew it before.

People are dying every day.

It's just that I don't have enough power to influence it.

Now that we have the power, you want to save more people.

But Gan Yu...Su Han was right, the water god was so careless about the people.

You should taste the consequences of going your own way. "

"Okay...I get it!"

Gan Yu sighed slightly.

Turn around and choose to leave.

Chuanhu looked at the other party's appearance and could understand... Gan Yu must have a knot in his heart.

She said to Su Han next to her: "Go and comfort her. I'm afraid that this sister... won't be able to think straight and will do stupid things."


Su Han quickly chased after him.

When he found Gan Yu.

The other person was standing at the top of the attic.

The target looks at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Heaven is cold.

So it fogs up very easily.

This has also become one of the wonders of heaven.

Therefore, the attic has become a place for many people to visit.

Even if it is condensed light.

When you feel tired, you will come here to take a rest.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind.

Gan Yu knew it without looking back.

It was Su Han who came here.

Soon, the other party hugged him from behind.


"No, actually I was willful... The Son of God was right, Fontaine is not under your jurisdiction, and... the Water God did not do the right thing.

It’s just that I can’t stand the sight of those innocent people dying. "

"Because of your kindness, I will like you even more. I actually don't want to do this, but... we can't launch an attack on the Winter Kingdom without taking down the Water God.

You have to understand this.

Moreover, the Water God has a bad temper.

Such a god, if I am soft-hearted, I will be manipulated by the other party. "

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