Everyone's strength has been improved.

It's not just the Uchiha clan.

People in the world of fighting fire.

After gaining strength improvement.

They were also shocked.

Not only were everyone surprised by the existence of such an elixir, but the key point was...the existence of this treasure could also increase lifespan.

That's what's most surprising.

Everyone who harvests the elixir.

They all felt that it was not a bad idea to work for Lord Su Han.

I would even like to participate if there is a mission next time.

Fighting continues along the border.

The soldiers scoured any who tried to get close.

Has a strong aura.

Even the most ferocious monsters cannot resist their 5.5 power.

The Knights of Holy Light even built a super large magic defense.

Any monster that comes close is torn apart by this power.

There is an endless supply of monsters in the abyss.

Even if it's guarding the border.

The fear of the people of Fontaine has not dissipated.

However, as monsters continued to be killed.

This fear also slowly dissipated.


On top of the tower.

Diluc looked at the place where the war was ignited and couldn't help but sigh: "The Water God must have a headache now... Once the people leave, she can only be a bare commander."

"No matter how uncomfortable she is, there is nothing she can do about it... This is the end she made herself. She had countless opportunities... but she chose to turn a blind eye.

All I can say is that it’s deserved. "

Kaia standing nearby.

Showing a contemptuous smile.

There is a price to pay for arrogance.

Chapter 760 In the Land of the Water God, where 300,000 people died overnight, the turmoil really began.

Inside the Platinum Palace.

A city surrounded by water.

In the deepest part of the palace.

There sat a stunningly beautiful woman.

The other party has golden curly hair, which reflects beautiful light under the sunlight.

The woman wears a white lace tutu.

His eyes were full of anger and confusion.

"How many people left?"



"Reporting to Lord Water God, there are currently 35,000 people leaving...According to the intelligence, there are more people choosing to leave.

They said they just wanted to live.

And head to the Mondstadt border.

Get the qualification to live. "

"These untouchables... I have already asked the assassins under my command to help, and even my family members have come to help. Don't they understand...

What did I pay? "

Facing the accusation from the Water God.

The people kneeling at the foot of the steps couldn't help but sigh.

You already call them pariahs.

Naturally, there is no place for these people in my heart.

But that Lord Su Han is different.

To protect the people.

Fight against demon-level enemies several times.

This is the difference.

"My Queen... our troops are far from enough. The 12 Green Flower Assassin Regiment and those guerrillas are unable to withstand so many abyss monsters.

More soldiers must join the battle. "

"Where are the fools? Have they replied..."

The water god simply ignored his subordinate's answer.

Instead, he was concerned about the situation in Solstice Kingdom.

The figure below quickly replied: "I haven't received any reply yet..."

Currently, Solstice Kingdom is no less stressed than them.

However, the fools in Winter Kingdom are very powerful.

Don't be afraid of these at all.

If you resist vigorously, you can kill the abyss monsters.

Lots of gunmen.

And the power of those technologies.

It was enough to make the entire country resist.

But, they Fontaine... To be honest, those factories have been occupied by fools.

They even couldn't make powerful weapons at all.

Technology is in the hands of fools.

Although I now own some firearms.

Even artillery.

However, it cannot be compared with the Winter Kingdom at all.

"You bastard... how dare you trick me... pass on my order and ask the Knights of the Flame to dispatch and kill the monsters in the abyss for me. And also give me my order.

Who dares to evacuate Fontaine privately?

Their land and homes will be confiscated...

It will even be given the title of treason! "

"My Lady Queen..."

"Give me the order!!!"


The door is closed.

The messenger was driven out by the splash.

However, there was still disbelief in his eyes.


Such a crime is too terrifying.

Moreover, the Queen is so determined to have her own way.

I'm afraid...I'm afraid something is really going to go wrong.


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