Such a crime.

I'm afraid I'm going to force everyone to death.

Sure enough, when the Queen's order was issued.

There was huge public opinion throughout the country.

Not allowed to leave.

Leaving would be treason.

But there is no way the country can resist the abyss.

Naturally, the people in Thousand Waters City are not afraid.

Because it is protected by the water god's barrier.

However, outside the City of Thousand Waters.

Now we are getting a lot of questions.

"Lord Water God, how far has this brought us?"

"In front of Lord Water God, we are just toys that can be discarded!!!"

"Lord Water God, what do you think of us..."





Of course, at this time, rebellious voices also appeared.

"Since Lord Water God doesn't like us and even wants to keep us captive, then... leave this sad country!"

"Yes, Lord Water God doesn't like us at all..."

"Treason, haha... So, you would rather let us die than let us escape, right?"

"We're all going to die anyway, but if we escape to the border, we can survive!"

"How about... treason? Don't those cavalry have their own families? Don't they have families..."

"If you are really cruel, you can kill us all!!!"

People have gone crazy.

In a city.

After a simple referendum.

One hundred and sixty thousand people were preparing to evacuate.

They wanted to go directly to Mondstadt.

If it is treason.

Then it’s okay if you don’t want Fontaine!

The cavalry guarding the pass saw such a crazy scene.

Completely misfiring.

And the judge came before them.

"If you stay, Lord Water God will be angry with you, but... if you follow us and leave, there may be a glimmer of hope."


"Do you want to be charged with treason?"

Facing the question of the justice.

The cavalrymen looked at each other.

Silently joined the team.

Become a member of the people who protect the people.

Follow most of them.

Evacuate towards Mondstadt.

The next day.

When the Platinum Queen wakes up from the palace.

Bad news comes again.

Just one page.

Fontaine lost half a million people.

This is not a small number.

But a very crazy move.

This proves that people are fighting to survive.

Completely abandoned her.

Beautiful face.

Already ignited by anger.

"These damn untouchables, how dare they...these guys...where are my cavalry, why didn't they stop them?"

"Your Majesty, shouldn't you be concerned about how many people died last night?"

Facing the question of the Water God.

The old man didn't answer.

Instead, he shot back.

The Platinum Queen was stunned for a moment, her eyes became cold, and a splash of water flew away.

The old man was instantly knocked away.

Until he fell to his knees.

Hematemesis continued.

"Do you know who you are talking to? Etiquette... the etiquette of nobles, you don't know? Guys who lack elegance... I will teach you a lesson this time.

As my subordinate, all you need to do is be obedient. "

Face the Queen's Judgment.

The old man smiled bitterly and said: "You only care about how many people left, but you don't know that 300,000 people died last night! What a city...

They were all destroyed by the monsters of the abyss.

Our knights all went to support, but they still couldn't withstand those monsters.

A guy I had never seen before turned that city into a lair.

My Queen, if you really love your people, why don't you look at what their needs are now?

They just want to live. "

"What did you say? How could there be so many deaths..."

This time the water god was also shocked.

She didn't expect that.

Just one night.

So many will perish.

The old man stood up tremblingly and said: "It seems that the earth's veins erupted, causing a very powerful monster to appear. Its body was purple and black, and it was basically immune to the power of the elements.

The knights turned into food.

That city was also captured.

Three hundred strong men who mastered the Eye of God perished.

We...can't bear it anymore. ”.

Chapter 761 Persuasion from the Knights of the Round Table, the Pride of the Platinum Queen

The development of the situation was beyond the water god's imagination.

She thought there was an invasion of monsters from the abyss.

It will be easily solved by yourself.

But he didn't expect that this incident was far beyond his imagination.

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