He said this without waiting for the queen to react.

The other party left.

Inside the empty temple.

Only the Platinum Queen was left sitting alone on the throne.

Her mind was in turmoil.

In fact, the queen also thought about giving in to Su Han.

However, I have always been friends with her from Winter Country.

Now I have to lower my head and admit my mistakes like others.

Such a situation.

How is that possible?

I am a noble...noble...queen...

Do not know why.

The Platinum Queen lowered her head.

Memories also go back a long, long time.

".¨Being a woman should be more noble..."

"You are the cutest and most gorgeous person in the world of Teyvat..."

"Yeah, that's what it needs to be."

Why isn't it the most beautiful?

Because the woman in Solstice Kingdom is the most beautiful.

Since the degree of beauty cannot be surpassed, let's defeat it with magnificence and nobility.

The young Demon God thought so.

Gorgeous moves.

Gorgeous person.

This is the Platinum Queen.

Eventually, she became the goddess of Fontaine and took charge of a country.

However, who would have thought that this would happen today.

"Why do I follow you? You probably like teaching people etiquette the most, right? If you have etiquette...then humans will be higher than beasts."

"For Fontaine, for Her Majesty the Queen..."

"This beautiful and noble land is the place we want to protect..."

Scenes from the past of the Knights of the Round Table.

It all came to mind.

The Platinum Queen looked up at her palace.

The original sixteen Knights of the Round Table.

How many are left now?

To protect your home.

They must have worked hard.

Now... of the sixteen knights, only three are still alive.

For their people.

For their pride.

Maybe, I should do something.

The Platinum Queen flew out of the palace with her scepter in hand.

That night, it rained heavily in Fontaine.

Violent power.

swept the entire country.

At the same time, the abyss monsters also suffered a terrifying blow.

Everyone understands.

This is the power of Lord Water God.

But the people who should have been angry at the evacuation were zero.

But...this power is only aimed at those monsters.

There was even wind blowing in the sky.

It seemed to be protecting those people from evacuating.


Wendy's on the border.

Seeing this scene, he said with some emotion: "This queen... doesn't seem to be that stubborn. It seems... I have to be the peacemaker this time."

Chapter 762 The meeting between the Platinum Queen and Su Han, the invincible effect of time deletion

It rained heavily.

This can indeed kill many abyss monsters, but there is a problem.

There are too many of these monsters.

The Platinum Queen doesn't just keep people safe.

Also responsible for cleaning up monsters.

This will cause a problem.


It can be very draining mentally.

Because if you are not careful, you will hurt those people.

Although the water god talks about being a pariah.

However, these are all her people.

Not caring means not caring.

But this is only in words.

She still wants to protect her country.

The storm continued all night.

Until dawn.

The Platinum Queen then stopped attacking.

When it falls on the ground.

Her body trembled slightly.

I almost fainted from losing my strength.

The power of the devil is not like this.

However, the operation is too detailed.

It can lead to a significant decline in spirit.

"Someone...bring me a cup of refreshing black tea..."

The Platinum Queen said in a daze.

As a result, a cup of fragrant tea actually drifted to my nose.

The taste is very mellow.

The rich flavor was more delicious than any black tea she had ever drunk.

The Platinum Queen didn't care either.

Instead, he brought it over and took a bite.

Even though I was dripping with sweat.

But she still maintains her elegance.

"Well... the black tea made by that guy is much better than Ruier. Where does this tea come from? I have never tasted it..."

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