"It comes from a fantasy world, mixed with some spiritual treasures..."

An unfamiliar male voice.

The Platinum Queen was slightly startled.

She quickly looked back.

I saw a strange man standing behind me.

The other person’s appearance.

The Platinum Queen is very familiar.

It's that hateful man.

The controller of Liyue and other places.

The man who was called the God King by his own Knights of the Round Table.

He is Su Han.

"Why are you here? Are you here to see my queen's jokes... Huh, let me tell you... Even if I die, I won't need your help."

"If I were to see you laughing, why would I give you this precious black tea? Everything in it comes from the World Tree. Otherwise, how could it have such a good effect on the devil..."


He looked at the proud queen who was about to throw away the cup.

Su Han said indifferently: "You can throw it away...this cup is worth fifty million molas."

"Fifty million? Are you so deceitful!!! Even if I had money, I wouldn't give (bcff) this kind of thing to you... Besides, it's just a cup of tea..."

"Every branch and leaf on the top of the World Tree is priceless, and the strength of the tree spirit is beyond your existence. The collection is an existence born from the corpses of several demon gods.

How much do you think a cup like this is worth? "

Facing Su Han.

The Platinum Queen glared at him hatefully.

Then he took out something from nowhere and threw it directly into Su Han's face.

"There are fifty million molas in it, no more, no less... Country folk, take it away from me, and... this black tea doesn't taste good at all."


Su Han smirked.

Just recycle what the Platinum Queen said just now.

Listen to your own constant praise.

This Lord Water God wanted to tear Su Han's face apart.

There is no such person.

How dare you humiliate yourself like this.

Water splashes all over the sky.

Attacked towards Su Han.

This is a rain blast.

A sure move from the Platinum Queen.

Hundreds of millions of raindrops.

Crazy attack.

Each shot has terrifying penetrating power.

This kind of move would make even Wendy feel creepy.

But Su Han stood there without moving.

Raindrops penetrated his body.

Flying towards the back.

It was as if she hadn't touched him at all.

Even the Platinum Queen didn't feel the touch.

What the hell is going on.

"My strength...has surpassed Morax! Do you want to challenge me...Although in the eyes of this proud queen like you.

It is absolutely impossible for humans to transcend the devil.

But I am different from others.

I can keep getting stronger..."

"Stop talking nonsense...take the bait!"

The Platinum Queen was naturally unconvinced.

However, after her rain blast failed to touch Su Han, she used the second move.

Thousands of rivers strangled.

The surrounding water sources directly transform into an underwater world.

in this field.

The Platinum Queen is the strongest existence.

She can destroy everything.

However, when the attack fell on Su Han.

Still nothing changed.

To be untouchable is to be untouchable.

It was as if he himself were a phantom.

"You...what kind of move are you doing?"

The Platinum Queen looked at the other party in surprise.

She was certain that she was not under any illusion.

Even the opponent didn't activate any treasures.

Instead, he dodged the attack by relying on some power that he couldn't understand.


Even think about it carefully.

Neither opponent dodges.

But there was no movement.

His own moves failed.

why is that?



The Platinum Queen couldn't figure it out at all.

But Su Han said: "Delete time..."

"Time? What did you say...you have control of time!!!"

screamed the Platinum Queen.

His eyes were full of shock.

All elegance is gone.

The seven earthly rulers.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

These are understandable.

However, the power of the elements within it.

But it doesn't include time.

Because that is far beyond the power of the devil.

Some gods can control time.

However, there is no one who can truly be as smooth as Su Han!

Is he already so strong?

Remember when you first got to know each other.

Or a few months ago.

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