Speeded up time.

No need to take action, just speed up the time and the opponent will perish.

How simple.

"Leave the rest to Ningguang... You shouldn't be able to deal with the people's affairs, right? Why not go back to the palace and take a rest..."

"how about you?"

The Platinum Queen looked at Su Han.

This amazing man.

All the troubles were solved easily.

It's simply amazing.

Su Han smiled and said: "I... have to go back to heaven, and by the way... deal with some things..."

"Oh...then what can I do to get there?"


Hearing this, the Platinum Queen quickly said: "Then I'll just go there..."

"But if Fontaine..."

"Isn't there Ning Guang? Hehe... can we leave everything here to her? I'll grant her the status of duchess... Anyway, everything will be fine.

I really don’t want to manage! "

In fact, the Platinum Queen is not good at management.

That's what justice was like back then.

It also feels simple.

You can catch fish yourself.

As a result, no one could have imagined that they shot themselves in the foot.

This also leads to.

The Grand Inquisitor made Fontaine a mess.

Su Han nodded and said: "That's... okay, but you definitely can't hand over all of your country to Ning Guang, otherwise... she will also be affected.

Well, you appoint some people.

It's better to work together. "

"You do feel sorry for your woman, okay...I still have a few dependents."

Later, at the call of the Platinum Queen.

Several family members appeared in front of Su Han.

One is an old man from the oldest Knights of the Round Table.

One is a female knight with blonde hair and blue eyes.

The other party was wearing a white armor.

Looking dashing.

Another one is dressed as a nun.

With long black hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes... Although he is saintly, Su Han has a sense of charm no matter how he looks at her (bcff).

As for the remaining two, they are the chief prosecutors in the trial court.

Although he looks young.

But he is a descendant of the Knights of the Round Table.

Very loyal.

"You go and discuss matters with Miss Ningguang about Fontaine. You should listen to other people's opinions on everything..."

"Yes, Lady Goddess."

"In that case, let's go!"

Su Han nodded and said, "Okay."

The space door opens directly.

The two people returned to heaven.

Ningguang announced several decrees.

[First of all, Fontaine abolishes absolute justice! 】

That is: Although anything can be brought to court, it is... not as cruel as absolute justice.

Just like Liyue.

The law is inherently people-centered.

[Secondly: The power of the trial court has been greatly weakened, and officials who treat the people better have come to power! 】

What happened this time has been revealed.

human desires.

It will overwhelm everything.

Therefore, the power of the court is weakened.

and reduce the power of judges.

This way.

Fontaine will enter the same situation as Mondstadt.

A large number of soldiers filled the gaps.

Those who can live there.

But now in Fontaine, more judges sanction everything.

Just read.

Anyone can be sanctioned without force.

This is hilarious.

On paper.

[Third, thoroughly investigate all unjust, false and wrongful cases, and at the same time... provide people with certain benefits. 】

This is Su Han's trump card.

Give people more resources.

After gaining happiness, your strength will also increase.

Inspire people's desire to pursue happiness.

This is what a monarch should do.

Rather than always paying attention to etiquette.

What elegance is about.

Speaking of which, it's very funny.

Ningguang has prepared many things.

Each one can cover all aspects.

Even many people suddenly realized it after seeing it.

It turns out that many things in our country are unreasonable.

This is the right thing to do.

Of course, Fontaine is in a flooded area.

Lots of lakes.

There is also a lot of coastline

These are rich products.

It's a pity because the managers handled it inappropriately.

This makes Fontaine's current technology and resources very backward.

It is not applied in practice.

In fact, you can see Fontaine’s scientific research experts in various countries.

But they either produce toys or weird things.

There is simply no application of any of this to life.

This is very outrageous.

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