And now Ning Guang wants to break this matter.

Let Fontaine go on the right track.

This way.

The Fontaine people can support themselves without much help.

At the same time, another point is to thoroughly investigate the inside of Fontaine.

How many spies and rebellions there are in the Winter Kingdom.

Chapter 768 The Platinum Queen who was shocked by the heaven, Ani’s communication with the Water God

Although I don’t care what Fontaine will become.

However, the Platinum Queen was still observing secretly.

Phone bug in hand.

Naturally, you can receive reports from others.

However, after arriving in heaven.

The queen's eyes were filled with surprise and little stars.

"Wow... there are so many beautiful stars. I was still wondering why the sky turned like this before, but it was you who reflected the sky.

It's so beautiful.

I will build my palace under the stars.

How about just one? "

"Yes, you can just hand over the design drawings to the architect, but... you have to pay attention to yourself. The palace cannot be too big. There will be many secret realms in the heaven in the future.

If your palace covers too much area.

It will have an impact! "

"Hehe... don't worry, I will pay attention! Oh my god... this place is much more refreshing than our Fengdan Court, the water of the spiritual spring

And there are so many elves.

Woo woo woo...

They all lack my care, no way...I want to build my own palace immediately. "

The Platinum Queen flew out.

Start site selection.

Paimon, who came to inquire, looked at the other party's crazy appearance and couldn't help complaining: "I didn't expect the Water God to be such a person.

I thought he was some kind of hard-to-reach person.

Turns out, he is a tsundere.

Su Han loves romance but is afraid of trouble. This fits the kind of comic book you showed me, right? "

"Probably, this is the first time I've encountered such a tsundere!"

Su Han shrugged.

In fact, Tsundere is much easier to deal with than Sister Yu.

Just give her enough romance.

Secondly, he is better than her.

The other person will slowly change.

Even well-behaved.

I just killed the rebel myself.

In fact, in the other party's eyes, I saw a hint of admiration and that kind of unexpected surprise.

"Okay, let her take her time... Let's go find Gui Zhong and see how her recent training went?"


Shortly after the two men left.

Construction begins here.

The Architect is the controller of the Earth God's Eye.

Moreover, he is able to use earth escape and water escape ninjutsu very skillfully.

It can be said that he is the royal architect of heaven.

As long as there are drawings, everything can be made.

"I want a huge palace, and then... there will be a hanging garden, the kind with the sea below... Can it be done? There shouldn't be enough space, right?"

"No...Goddess, you can actually use spiritual spring water instead. You can do it by using all space-based treasures.

It can even make fish and other creatures appear under the water.

Of course, if you want a really nice shower feature.

You can also add a hot spring to your garden. "

"Okay, I want them all...preferably the hot spring water..."

"Yes. My lord..."

The engineers began to build according to the requirements of the Platinum Queen.

The palace is made of white crystal.

Strong and beautiful.

Thousands of people are busy.

Soon there was a prototype.

The Platinum Queen couldn't help but sigh: "Su Han really knows how to enjoy it, by the way... Since there are many people here, why not take a look at Aini's home?"

In the heaven, you only need to use the New World 01 device.

It is automatically positioned at all times.

Just like where she is currently, it was originally an open space.

Now it is shown as: the residence of the Platinum Queen.

And Aini's home is not far from her.

After coming to the next door.

The Platinum Queen did not see the creations in Aini's house.

Just after opening the door.

A terrifying heat wave came from inside.

This heat is already more terrifying than a volcano.

Small space?

The Platinum Queen frowned and flew inside.

When she came inside, she discovered that Aini was actually fighting with someone else.

The fighting between the two sides was very fierce.

It can be said that it is a real competition with real swords and guns.

Aine as the God of Fire.

Even in a head-on battle, he couldn't win easily.

What is the background of the other party?

The Platinum Queen stared.

I saw that the person fighting Aini was a short woman with a golden ponytail, and she had a heroic appearance.

The aura on his body is very good.

And he has a very good momentum in every move he makes.




The battle continues to intensify.

Just when the Platinum Queen thought that woman couldn't do it.

Suddenly, countless lights lit up in the blonde woman's hands.

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