"Oath...Sword of Victory!"

Huge sword energy.

Directly block Aini's moves.

In the end, the two ended up in a tie.

"Huh... Artoria, your strength has improved very quickly. You actually have fifty percent of my strength..."

· ··Ask for flowers····· ·····

"Thanks for your guidance!"

"Don't say that...it's mainly due to your studiousness..."

"No, no... Su Han has so many geniuses around him, it's not easy for me to be ranked in the top three!"

Arturia is right.

There are many people who are more talented than her.

Not to mention Beidou.

Even Keqing and others have the same strength as her.

And the person who surpasses the stupid king.

It's those demons.

There are also fairies and monsters.

Son of the Eightfold God.

Sweet rain.

Flowers scattered.

Everyone's power over the magic is greater than hers.

Therefore, Artoria still has a lot to learn.

"Hey... Aini! Humph... Seeing that I haven't come to worship, I'm the last..."

0 0 0


The Platinum Queen's words have not yet finished.

A lava meteorite fell from the sky.

She was so frightened that she quickly dodged away.

"What are you doing!"

"Hehe... this is my favorite way to say hello, and... your set of red tape has made me sick to my stomach!"

"Savage woman, she doesn't know the meaning of elegance and nobility. Take the move...Yubao!"

"Lava fields..."

And what follows is a confrontation between the two people.

It took almost a full hour of fighting.

Ani and the Platinum Queen stopped fighting.

Two people were sitting on the grass.

Of course, Ani was lying down.

The Platinum Queen made a white seat and sat on it lazily.

That elegant gesture.

Arturia was stunned for a moment.

Such a gesture is really powerful.

"I thought you would continue to struggle for a while...after all, your pride...will not be bowed down so easily."

"Are you mocking me?"

"I just think that I didn't expect you to join Su Han's camp so easily."

"Haha... I can't beat you again and again. So many people have died. Is there any other way for me besides joining? I just think...

own pride.

Compare those people.

Suddenly, nothing works...

Maybe, I am not suitable to be a god.

I just want to be a noble lady. Once the so-called justice... gets out of control... I will be the unlucky one. "

The water god's face looked a little tired.

Obviously this time, she was very sad.

Chapter 769 The forty-fifth mission is about to be refreshed, the weakness of the Queen of Winter Kingdom

Aini looked at the appearance of the Platinum Queen, shook her head and said: "You...sometimes you are tired of your own fame, elegance is good

But he must also show his power as a god.

Look at that guy Barbatos.

Although not obvious.

However, no one in Mondstadt dared to disobey him...

As for Barr, it's actually even simpler. Anyone who dares to disobey will be chopped into pieces with one knife.

On the other hand, that little girl Nasida is just like you.

You must be hiding and being taken advantage of every day. "

"Tch...I don't care about that, and...it's indeed a bit bad to let the gorgeous me kill people...but you're right...human beings are healthy creatures.

If you don't show your power.

I still thought the devil was just a decoration.

If I want to destroy a country.

It only took ten minutes to do it...but in the end, I still couldn't bear to let go of "zero zero zero"..."


He loves mankind.

Even though she is always called a pariah.

At that time, he was among the gods who sacrificed the most to protect the people.

Water God is among the top three.

Nearly 90% of the Knights of the Round Table were wiped out.

It was only with such great strength that Fontaine was protected.

It's a pity that no one knows about such great achievements.

Arturia listened to the conversation between the two and gave her own opinion.

"I think Su Han did a good job in this. Anything done by gods or dependents must be recorded and passed on through culture.

Let future generations know.

Only in this way will everyone remember it. "

"Yes...the past achievements have been forgotten...who will remember what we have paid for."

The two gods said in unison.

Then they looked at each other and smiled.

The past has passed.

When it comes to having a Throne of Heroes.

The Platinum Queen was shocked: "Are you serious? Dead friends can be resurrected..."

"Why are you lying to me...Morax's little wife, the Demon God of Dust, has been resurrected after all. Your intelligence is too fast."

"The Demon of Dust...the guy who has been dead for so long is that little dwarf?"

"It's best not to let Morax hear what you said, otherwise... well, there is a high probability that something will happen! That guy's current strength improvement is very scary..."

"Uh... ok, I get it!"

The Platinum Queen quickly stood up.

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