She wanted Su Han to resurrect his Knights of the Round Table.

Of course, the one who most wants to be resurrected.

None other than the brother of the Platinum Queen.

The previous water god.

The most upright existence.

He is also the demon god who established Fontaine's great cause.

If you can revive the opponent.

Well, the Platinum Queen feels she can sacrifice everything.

Because that is his biological brother.

When she found Su Han, he was discussing tomorrow's mission.

Now each mission takes a day.

As a result, there is now only one mission every two days.

I had to arrange a lot of things in advance.

"Huh? You've had enough fun..."

"No, I heard that you can resurrect dead people, is it...can you do that...the Demon God of Dust..."

"Why are you calling me?"

The Platinum Queen turned to look.

I saw the familiar little man lying on the side eating snacks, looking very leisurely.

"You are really resurrected!"

"This is not nonsense, all living people are here... You, a guy who pretends to be arrogant all day long, have surrendered. I can't tell... you are quite powerful."


The Platinum Queen said coldly, and then she looked at Su Han for an answer.

The results speak for themselves.

"You can resurrect, but... you need to collect souls, and it takes a lot of time... You have to understand this."

"Well, I long as I can be resurrected. If I had known that I could be resurrected...I wouldn't have struggled. By the way...Su Han, you are actually..."


"I think if you want to conquer the last Winter Kingdom, you only need to resurrect one person. The person is the person most cherished by the Queen of Winter Kingdom...

If you bring her back to life.

Everything will be perfect..."

The Platinum Queen has known each other for a long time.

Naturally, he also understands the other party's weaknesses.

But to resurrect the other party.

Actually, what you do is very simple.

She only needs to resurrect the person who values ​​her most.

But...if Su Han wants revenge.

Want to go back for revenge.

Let the other party taste the taste of hatred.

Then pretend you didn't say it.

Su Han thought about it and nodded: "It's okay...but collecting souls is not a small project and it takes a lot of time..."

"Um, okay... By the way, what were you discussing just now?"

"It's a matter of another world. The next world mission is probably... to Bai Suzhen's world, a very powerful world of immortal cultivation.

There are people inside who are stronger than us.

There are so many.

Su Han wanted to take advantage of this mission to gain some benefits.

At the same time, lay out some things..."

Different world?

That's really fun.

The Platinum Queen's eyes lit up and she asked, "Then can I go?"

"It's not possible for the time being... The All-Heaven mission group is already full, and even I can't go there for the time being!"


"Just wait... we can also participate after a while."

"Oh well..."

The Platinum Queen couldn't help but sigh.

The forty-fifth mission.

It will take another half month before I can join.

But this is also very fast.

Ke Qing asked: "Su Han, at what stage do you think the mission will be stuck? If... it's Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's pretentious acting."

"Maybe it's the Dragon Boat Festival. Three Maoshan real people will come, and the Taoist Toad will also appear. At that time... a real immortal will also appear.

If this is the bridge.

Then there are many things that can be done.

If not, then it is the Stealing Immortal Pill... You can go to the underworld, you can go to the Heavenly Palace and the Immortal Realm... We also have a lot of opportunities in this section.

With only these two, it is impossible for 5.5 to directly cross over to the end of the world. "

Su Han thought for a while and finally gave the answer.

If it's the last.

That is water flooding the golden mountain.

It involves a lot.

Youla nodded and said, "I hope it's the latter. If we can steal the elixir, we can enter the Heavenly Palace... to ensure Bai Suzhen's safety.

Tiangong will switch defenses.

A large number of heavenly soldiers and generals will also leave.

Once we get it.

That will be an infinite treasure.

Think about the demise of Emperor Fuxi.

What a benefit we gained,"

"Yes, but...this way we won't be able to win over some allies. According to Su Han's explanation, in fact, the Eight Immortals in ancient times... still have resentment towards Heaven.

If you can get it.

At least eight true immortals can be roped in to help us. "

"indeed so..."

Shen He agreed with this statement.

Chapter 770 A seven-day mission, Nuwa comes to the mission world

time flies.

The next day came immediately.

When the mission was refreshed, everyone understood what the mission was.

Just as Su Han said.

Five-star mission.

White Snake World.

And it’s the Dragon Boat Festival!

This time point is very clever and very essential.

[Ding... It has been detected that the task cooldown time has expired, and the five-star difficult team task has been released! 】

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