[Task]: When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, Bai Suzhen turns into the body of a snake. At the same time... Lu Dongbin, the Eight Immortals of ancient times, comes to project. Please help Bai Suzhen kill the toad Taoist priest.

And eradicate the Maoshan behind it

[Difficulty]: Five stars

[Countdown]: one hour

[Description]: Maoshan Taoist priests were supposed to punish evil and promote good, but who knew that they went astray and regarded external demons as the leader of all evils and wanted to attack all demons?

But my disciples are demons, and they don’t care at all when they do evil.

Even if all the people in Qiantang were infected by the plague, they would still turn a blind eye

But who knew that when Bai Suzhen killed the opponent's disciple, she would attract these three factions over?

[Reminder]: There will be ancient immortals participating in this mission. You must be careful in everything you do. You must pay attention to the word "kind". If you anger the ancient immortals

The battle will rise directly

There may even be failures

But the ancient immortals will not kill people, they will only cause the risk of mission failure.

[Tip]: If you want to rescue the people of Qiantang in this mission, you must obtain the fairy grass and elixir, so rescuing the people in this mission is also one of them.

The toad originally wanted to create a plague to gain profits.

But I didn’t expect that the gaffe would directly expand.

So this mission has become a composite mission

The points completed determine the upper limit of this task.

[Note]: The higher the degree of completion, the more points you will get, and the five-star difficulty is the starting point to prove this mission. The difficulty of the mission may be increased at any time.

There is no upper limit on points earned

You can gain merit by rescuing people!

[Special]: This world is an open world, which can accommodate a total of ten members and enter, and allows two heroic spirits or summons to enter.

Don't be afraid of exposing your identity, this is a disaster mission

The secret of heaven is so chaotic that not even Buddha can detect it

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

[Time limit]: seven days

The task has been refreshed.

Look at the task description inside.

Everyone was shocked.

Just because this mission is very terrifying.

The time limit is seven days.

At the same time, there is no upper limit on points to enhance tasks.

It can be said that completing one task equals two tasks.

There is also a corresponding description later.

It can be seen that this kind of task is very difficult to accomplish.

Ke Qing: "It's really troublesome this time... We have to divide our forces again for a multi-threaded mission... Not only do we have to save the people, but we also have to kill the Maoshan Taoist priests.

We still have to deal with that ancient immortal.

If there are people searching for treasures, it is equivalent to a group of three people.

It was such a mess... almost four teams were needed. "

Beidou: "Yeah...that's all this mission is, but...with multi-threading, we can even operate this mission.

We still need a doctor... We can give the medicine directly to those people, right? "

Hutao: "The doctor said...there seems to be no one in the group, right? Nasida can do it, because she can extract the toxins, even the plague."

Nacida: "Looking at the extent of the plague, if it's that kind of magic, I can do it. The question is... won't the purification be discovered?

If I wasn't afraid of being exposed, I could actually do it. "

Rosalin: "Mainly, the healing power of others is not that strong. Even those at the level of a medical fairy can only come in the spirit body.

By the way, what do you think of Mona?

You can use water elements to remove toxins. "

Mona: "Stop it...I'm just like Nasida. You can actually play with it if you don't worry about me being exposed."

Kujo Sora: "Why don't we decide on the personnel first? If it's not exposed, what do you think of Sugar or Abedo?

It’s actually quite good to have alchemists participating. "

As an alchemist.

In fact, it can detoxify.

And it's doing pretty well.

Su Han: "That's it...According to this mission, Abedo needs to appear! His team is equipped with Sugar and Nasida

Contact the medical team directly.

Then came the team that dealt with Maoshan, all combatants.

Although the three Taoist priests in Maoshan did not become immortals, they were all subordinates of Emperor Zhenwu.

Have certain abilities.

It's up to Zhongli, Beidou and Lei Movie to fight. "

Maoshan is good at thunder method.

And these three people can rely on their strong combat capabilities.

Just ignore Maoshan Technique.

Lisa: "So... where is the treasure hunting team? And... aren't you planning to come... By the way, you want to contact that ancient immortal, right?"

Su Han: "Yes... I can handle the contact by myself. The people searching for the treasures are still a three-person team.

The advantage is that it is hidden and unobtrusive

I recommend Yae Kamiko, Fischer and Mona. "

These three people are moving in terms of speed or mobility.

They are all very powerful beings.

Available in a short time.

Direct transfer.

Moreover, Fischer can also use the crow to transfer his body.

This is very powerful.

Paimon: "Then what about the remaining two people... There are still two people left! One heroic spirit and one group member..."

Su Han: "I plan to ask Yingmei and Miao Yue to come with me for 000!"

I heard the word Miaoyue.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy.

Will Nuwa appear?

There is a high probability that this mission will be straight forward.

With this boss, everything is really safe.

However, Su Han had no choice.

Because he needs someone to protect him.

Otherwise, something went wrong.

But people will die.

What if that pervert Guanyin Bodhisattva is secretly observing?

Problems will arise.

Miaoyue is the one who stops all this.

Rosalin: "Well... this list is good, and by the end of this time... Yae Shenzi can be promoted to the fourth level group member."

Lisa: "Yes... and the mobile team is also very good. Although it is not to win the elixir, this mission is not bad... Come on!!!"

After the list is finalized.

Su Han submitted it directly.

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