Fahai didn't understand or figure it out.

In short, he felt that something was not quite right.

It seems... there is a conspiracy surrounding me.

But it couldn't be broken no matter what.

"But...I missed another opportunity this time, just like last time...It's a pity."

In a dark room.

There is only a sigh left.

Chapter 779: Yae Shenzi kidnapped a dragon girl, Mona ransacked the Dragon Palace

In the heaven.

Su Han looked at the time.

Two days and two nights.

A task actually takes so long.

However, there are rewards for the points gained this time.

Three days is enough.

More than two million points.

Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Mona looked at the panting little Amy and said with a smile: "Look at how sweaty you are...how many people are chasing you..."

"If I had been slower, there would have been blood instead of sweat on my head... I went to kill people after receiving Su Han's order, and directly destroyed several temples.

Then a ray of Buddha light chased me.

I was so scared that I turned around and ran away.

If I hadn't received the prompt, I would have thought I would tear it up..."

Fischer wiped sweat from his brow.

He said with lingering fear.

At this time, Hua Sanli came over and asked: "How are the profits this time? Shenzi... did you get any special "zero zero zero" treasures, or resources or something like that..."

"The harvest this time will exceed your imagination..."

The fox said with a smile.

Then she took out this item.

"A herb that will take thousands of years to mature into essence..."

"A thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum..."

"There are six Buddhist magic weapons and a large number of Buddhist scriptures, but these things need to be repaired before they can be handed over to the people for practice.

By the way, there are some other exercises here.

Some monsters.

I collected them all..."

Yae Kamiko is the kind of person who digs deep into the ground.

Lots of treasures.

Even the ground cannot be moved.

She even brought some incense burners with spiritual energy over them.

It's not just that.

Yae Shenzi also subdued a group of monsters.

That adds up to hundreds.

Among them, there are three mountain ghosts.

As for the City God and those guys, the Eightfold God Son did not destroy them.

Mainly, each of these existences has its own purpose.

Once you destroy it.

Other city gods will also be replaced.

And without the city god, there will be invasions by other lonely ghosts.

On the contrary, it is not good.

"You can't tell...Son of God, you have gained a lot. This blood jade coral is good, I like it...Go back and buy a set of jewelry..."

"These are nothing. Let me show you what I have gained...this is the treasure."

I saw Yae Shenzi smiling mysteriously.

Then a dragon girl was pulled out from the space magic weapon.

Everyone froze on the spot.

Xiao Qing was shocked and said: "This...isn't this the one from West Lake?"

"you know?"

Su Han looked at Xiaoqing.

I saw the other party nodding.

After Xiaoqing's description, everyone finally understood what happened.

It doesn't actually change form.

I have also traveled to various places.

And the Dragon King in the West Lake.

Just a child.

At first, she thought he was easy to bully and even secretly inquired about him.

As a result, that night.

Not close yet.

Just witness a powerful naval force challenge the dragon girl and be torn apart alive.

And that little face.

It was the person in front of me.

However, although the power of the Eightfold God Son is strong, it cannot suppress the opponent reliably, right?

Moreover, the defense of space magic weapons is not very strong.

It can still be broken easily.

But if the other party can appear here, he won't be angry.

This is proof enough.

Yae Shenzi was not the person to be coerced.

But people do it voluntarily.

This is very outrageous.

The dragon girl looked around and couldn't help but smile: "Wow... the spiritual energy is so abundant. It's exactly what you said. Grandpa always said that foxes are liars.

It seems that I was not deceived this time.

We agreed, I want a huge pool.

And a huge dragon palace!

I want to build my dragon army..."

"Okay, there are several sea areas in total, and no one is managing them. You can choose whatever you want..."

Facing the dragon girl's request.

Yae Shenzi readily agreed.

It just so happens that there is no army in the sea.

Just let the Dragon Girl take control.

It's a huge profit.

And Su Han is also very supportive of this. Although the current Dragon Girl is young, she is not very strong.

However, this is a potential stock.

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