Once cultivated well.

You will get a very powerful helper.

Moreover, the dragon girl likes money and other things.

I have plenty.

Such a little money addict.

Best to sell.

Yae Kamiko's performance was not over yet, she even captured a Suicune who was near the coast.

The opponent's strength is not as good as Dragon Girl.

It actually looks pretty good.

It's a dragon spirit.

Facing the Eightfold Divine Son who became an immortal.

Of course he is not an opponent.

Dan Fox said to her: "From now on, you will be responsible for the water issues of Fontaine. At the same time, you will also build your own army and be responsible for the waters of several nearby countries..."

"Yes, sir..."

The other party bowed his head obediently.

A master who is countless times more powerful than himself.

Of course she won't resist.

At the same time, the conditions offered by the other party are very generous.

It's much better than being a doormat in the previous world.

To know in this world.

But there is no such thing as Suicune.

You are the only one!

Yae Shenzi nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay...this is what I have gained. What's yours, Fischer?"

Finished counting the treasures.

The fox looked at the second person in the team.

"My strength is not as strong as yours, but I have done some things...for example, some people...I have swept over tens of thousands of people.

Many of them were women.

As for men, I rarely..."

Teyvat is now expanding in power.

There are also some problems with population development.

There is no way, people are resources.

Fischer's choice is naturally understandable.

As for those people.

It cannot be released at the moment.

The only choice is to leave it to Keqing.

Let her manage.

Assign jobs to these people.

And the third person is Mona.

Compared to Fischer and Yae Kamiko.

Her current strength should be the strongest.

Therefore, Mona's choice is the sea.

"I should have the most treasures, because I attacked the East China Sea Dragon Clan. Maybe my concealment was too strong, or the other party was too careless.

5.5 In short, I have many, many treasures. "

When the storage space is opened.

A lot of treasures fell out of it.


Spiritual stone.

Human cultivation classics.

Anyway, it almost adds up to a mountain.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

This thing is too much.

Yae Shenzi exclaimed: "Oh my god... I should have known that I would also go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but... my concealment is too poor and I will probably be discovered."

To be able to steal treasures, you also need to be able to walk.

In case it is discovered.

You have to face countless troublesome things.

This is the most important thing.

Most of Mona's treasures are magic weapons... including a few dragon balls, and even some special dragon treasures.

There are also methods of cultivation.

There are even dragon blood elixirs.

The dragon girl next to her was shocked.

Chapter 780 The group leader rewards the Incense Shinto System and a special treasure box

"Did you take all the Dragon Palace treasure trove?"

"Yes, I saw no one was watching. Naturally, I took action...and the formation has no control over water, hehe..."

The dragon girl showed a speechless expression.

Mainly because the Dragon Palace's defense is too low.

In fact, it’s not the Dragon Palace’s fault.

For thousands of years.

Who dares to come to the Dragon Palace to cause trouble? Everyone knows how terrifying the Dragon Palace's fighting power is.

There are millions of aquariums alone.

Such a huge force.

Except for Heaven and Lingshan.

The price of provocation is destruction.

Although the current dragon clan is not as scary as in ancient times.

But even so.

Ordinary monks don't dare to look for trouble.

And the years slowly flowed by.

Instead, the dragon clan relaxed their vigilance.

Mona transformed into water and slowly penetrated.

It took a full day and night.

Only then did he enter the Dragon Palace treasure house.

"So...there are no underwear in the treasure house now?"

"Ahem...I took away all the luminous pearls inside."

Mona smiled sheepishly.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Good guy, I originally thought that Yae Shenzi's digging three feet into the ground was outrageous.

Now comes an even more outrageous one.

Mona wants it all.

Sure enough, everyone saw an even more terrifying scene.

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