The floor of the Dragon Palace was dug out.

Even the pillars inside were stolen.

"This...what did you replace it with?"

Su Han asked looking at the pillar that was like a magic weapon.

If they are all dismantled.

The treasury will surely collapse.

So how did Mona do it?

"Hehe... This is actually very simple. Just use the same wood and my water element power can be simulated.

Directly copy the exact same one.

Then just replace it!

Hehe... Look at these oil lamps, they are all fine treasures..."

"I...I also want some goods, can you give me some!"

The dragon girl couldn't sit still.

The craftsmanship in this world could not be better.

It's not as good as the treasures from the original world.

She wants a collection of goods to call her home.

This will make you feel homesick after seeing things.

Su Han nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but... this must be counted among your achievements. My heaven is different from the Jade Emperor's management.

Contribute to the world what you want.

I can give it to you on credit. "

"Hmm...Okay! I will work hard..."

Xiao Longnu was not afraid at all.

Anyway, I can live for countless years.

Working is nothing.

Moreover, she could see that Su Han was not the same old stingy as the Jade Emperor.

He is someone who can really give his subordinates treasures.


This is a new word that Dragon Girl has learned.

Everyone becomes stronger.

That's really strong.

After handing the dragon girl to Sugar.

Su Han handed the letter to Xiaoqing.

"Sister, can't you come over yet?"

"Well, probably next time... This time we captured Guanyin, and we can no longer wait until the water floods the golden mountain... The other party is not a fool.

Stay close to Bai Suzhen every time.

The other party will also notice it. "

"All right..."

Xiaoqing took the letter and left.

Su Han received this reward.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive an additional mission reward: 720,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the members of this group for completing a difficult mission, defeating the soldiers of heaven, and capturing a powerful Buddhist Bodhisattva.

And prevented the people in the city from perishing.

Earn one million merit points.

Get a special reward chest. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star difficult team task of all heavens. As the group leader, you will receive the task reward: the birth of the Incense Shinto system. 】

[Incense Shinto System]: This is a power derived from many fairy worlds. Once used, it will strengthen the original Shinto power.

Form it into a law and link it to the rules of the world

[Introduction]: Incense Shinto is a kind of power derived from belief. It is a very powerful force and can also give the other party an identity.

By the power of the earth

There are also gifts from heaven and earth, which can confer a certain Shinto status

And this identity can gain powerful power for the other party

[Introduction]: In the Incense Shinto, once you receive a blessing, you will gain the power of the earth's veins. For example, a mountain god can draw on the power of the mountain.

And Suicune only relied on the power of water veins

The city god manages a city

The land protects the earth

Belongs to a very good power system

[Tip]: After obtaining this Shinto status, you will be managed by the host. You cannot act arbitrarily and at the same time, you must protect the local people.

If you receive its incense, you must give it back to the people.

This is the power of Incense Shinto

complement each other

[Remarks]: If you are a mountain god, you can gain the power of the mountain to defend yourself against enemies. The stronger the power of the mountain, the more powerful the blessing you can receive.

At the same time, if you are willing to create your own territory

Then, the mountains will also become stronger

This is what complements each other

[Reminder]: Each mountain or river can only have one monarch, and all gods will be managed by the host.

One thought can kill everyone

This is the hidden danger of Shinto incense

Too much power is a kind of arrogance

[Special]: If the host wants to extract the Incense Shinto, it can set up temples. These are unrestricted. Remember that the power of the Incense Shinto is endlessly changing.

Don't be rigid

Rewards and points have arrived.

Su Han was also very satisfied.

And this reward is extremely satisfying.

If you have it.

You can ban others yourself.

Rather than leaving those people hanging with a vacant 000 position.

Next to you, Youla looked at the treasure and said, "Is it so powerful? Incense Shinto... Doesn't this mean that you will be the Emperor of Heaven from now on?

It shouldn’t be the God King..."

"I want to be a mountain god...I want to be a mountain god..."

It looks like he can get the imperial seal.

Walnut was the first to want to gain an identity.

But Su Han said: "If you become a mountain god, you can only hide in the mountain and cannot come out at will..."

"Ah? How could this happen...I don't want it!"

Hu Tao shook his head quickly.

If she were tied to one place.

But something big will happen.

Absolutely no.

Mona laughed.

At this time Lisa said: "So who are you going to seal first?"

"Let's grant the title of Dragon Lord first... She now rules the sea, so let's start with her!"

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