Su Han was holding something like a list of gods.

Start adding the name of the Dragon Girl.

Burn in it.

[Emperor: Ao Li is the Dragon King in the endless sea! Rule over thousands of aquatic tribes...]

The thought fell.

A loud voice resounded across six countries.

Everyone was extremely puzzled.

Dragon King?

what is that.

Then a figure appeared in the sky.

The opponent's head is awarded the title of Dragon King.

Ao Li, who was playing in the city, felt an inexplicable restraint and the nourishment of endless water vapor.

Chapter 781 Su Han decreed to seal the world, the story of King Daci Shu and Naxida

The so-called water spirit energy enters the body.

Ao Li is very fast for cultivation.

You can even say this.

Her power will increase every moment.

Of course, if you are in a place that is blocked by edict.

The effect will be better.

Then the sounds from the sky kept coming.

[Imperial seal: Jiaolong Xiaoqian is the Water Lord of Fengdan, in charge of countless water tribes, and protects the entire people of Fengdan! 】

[Emperor: Wubai Zang is the mountain god of Shadow Mountain, in charge of the demon raccoon clan! 】

[Emperor: The True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang is the God of Qingyunding Mountain and is in charge of the nearby mountains! 】

[Emperor: Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun is the mountain god of Qingcezhuang, in charge of the nearby mountains! 】

[Edict: North Wind King Wolf Andreus is the mountain god of the Snow Mountain, in charge of the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain! 】


A large number of Shinto enfeoffments.

Let those who follow Su Han gain strength.

For example, although the Wind Demon Dragon is guilty, he still wants to be controlled by others.

Finally granted entry to the Temple of Mondstadt.

Enjoy the qualifications for pilgrimage.

Along with it is Wendy.

As for the grand leader Falga.

Because of what happened before.

Temporarily unable to enter the temple.

This is also something that can't be helped.

In comparison.

The cities in Liyue are a bit outrageous.

Inside the temple.

Statue after statue.

Five immortals.

The former devil.

Kitchen god.

The Demon of Dust.

The Demon of Salt.

As for the Uzumaki Demon God, he can only qualify for one Suicune for the time being.

There is no way to enter the holy temple.

But I will also enjoy the worship of Liyue people.

After all, he is now Su Han's subordinate.

And what Inazuma said.

Those brave people from the past entered the temple one after another.

As for the invader, the words of the demon god Orobas of Kaiji Island.

You can also enjoy worship.

And its soul is slowly being collected.

However, I am afraid of violating heavenly principles.

Therefore, Su Han did not make any moves too big.

And Xumi’s words.

The holy temple is very good.

A former sage.

And the guardians of the desert.

Everyone can enter the temple.

On the other hand, those sages were recorded in the sin monument one by one.

On the streets.

Dadalia wears a hood.

Looking at the bloody name on the sin monument, he couldn't help but shake his head and said: "This time... that guy, Doctor, will be infamous throughout the ages."

Arecino next to him sneered: "You who dare to go against the God King deserve this kind of fate... In fact, the remaining executive officers will not surrender.

Basically it’s very difficult.

Now the God King controls the land of the Six Kingdoms.

They can only struggle hard in the Winter Kingdom.

After the arrival of Azerite.

Earth veins are like natural barriers.

Even the abyss cannot be entered, let alone them..."

"That's true...but luckily I followed you back, otherwise...I wouldn't know how I would have died."

Dadalia said softly.

Hear his emotion.

Arecino shook his head and said: "This is your own effort, not my help... By the way, where is your family?"

"Sumi...I wanted them to go to Fontaine or Mondstadt. But, my brother liked those Lanaros, so he didn't leave..."

"Well, that's good. I heard that the soul of the Great Ci Tree King has awakened... I don't know when it will wake up. There is one thing that is very strange to me..."


"It has been so long since the Great Mercy Tree King was resurrected. He should have woken up soon. Why hasn't he shown up yet..."

"This... seems to be the case. Maybe there is something hidden..."

Dadalia was also puzzled.

It stands to reason that the resurrected Demon God will appear soon.

In heaven.

Su Han also encountered this problem.

While shaping the body.

Everyone else succeeded.

Only when I arrived at King Daci Shu.

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