Su Han looked at the sleeping little grass god and asked: "Was it really the disaster brought by the Scarlet King back then? Why did you die..."

"As for this... I have very little memory. I just know one thing... Disasters are brought along with scarlet. In the beginning, it was just forbidden knowledge in the desert...

And with the emergence of this power.

There are also more and more demon scales.

I have already heard about Kelai. Her problem... does not lie in the power of the Black Flame Snake.

The demon god of death does not have such great abilities.

And contaminate all power.


"The Abyss of the Void, right? But that's not my power... Well, it should be the result of that guy from the Red King, anyway...

The Red King also died.

She used to work under me, but now she runs away after I die...

Aru Village is that kind of place.

I just didn't expect that when you and I are dead...those sages will peek into the darkness, after all...this is the folly of human beings.

It's not good to be too smart. "

The Scarlet King leaned against the moonlit maple tree.

Said nonchalantly.

The hatred of the past.

It ends today.

Now I can sit here.

It is already the beginning of a new era.

King Daci Tree nodded and said: "Yes... I sacrificed myself and turned my body into a seed... It was already done to stop those taboos.

Unfortunately, time is urgent.

It left a lot of trouble behind.

The knowledge in the tombs of the wise men has not been passed down.

People call me the God of Wisdom.

But in fact, all my power comes from the World Tree.

And I unleashed all this power on that day.

I hope to use my own strength.

Save the whole world.

At least until she grows up.

Leave enough time.

· ··Ask for flowers····· ·····


Speaking of this, the grass god couldn't help but sigh.

She underestimated human greed.

Or rather.

People in Sumeru rely too much on themselves.

So much so that it becomes a fool's errand.

They want to create gods.

In other words, he wants to become a god.

Become a true god.

But...if humans didn't have the cultivation method like Su Han.

It is impossible to become a god.

This is the essence.

It's a dimensional difference.

Just like ants no matter how hard they practice.

Just ants.

Unless there is a qualitative change.

That will change.

The Scarlet King drank the wine in the cup, looked at Su Han and asked: "What to do next? There are still three days before the mission... What do we want?"

"Let's rest for a while. It's best to... repair and repair. Fontaine, Sumeru and Nata all have problems now. It's best to deal with Sumeru first.

0 ... 0

The desert has been settled very well so far.

The place caused by your birth is also calmed.

The next step is to investigate what else is missing...

As for tomorrow, the points mall has also been refreshed.

Arrange these.

Our time is very tight. If possible... I want to devour the world of fighting fire directly. By the way... there is one thing I want to try. "


The Great Merciful Tree King and the Scarlet King looked at him.

Su Han smiled mysteriously and said: "I want to... expand the world of Teyvat. Didn't you find... that our world is already a little crowded?

If only we could expand the world.

Our world will be richer.

At the same time, the capacity will also increase.

I will make it the sublimation of the world..."

Teyvat to be precise.

Not even a planet.

So, Su Han’s dream.

It is to raise the upper limit of this world.

Slowly turn it into a complete planet.

And, devour the roots of other worlds.

Only when the world becomes stronger can you continue to become stronger.

He had a premonition.

If you upgrade yourself to this world, it will be of great benefit to you in the future.

He might even be sublimated into a real God of Creation!

Replace that so-called natural law.

This is not impossible.

Rather, it is necessary to continuously expand the incense Shinto.

Become the emperor of heaven yourself.

It shouldn't be the God King.

The King of the Gods dies.

Chapter 784 The amazing rewards from the special treasure box, a necessity for advancement to the world

"Uh...well, I don't know about this kind of thing anyway. By the way...have you opened the treasure chest for the special reward?"

"not yet..."

"While you have time now, quickly open it and take a look..."

The Scarlet King's face was full of curiosity.

Su Han looked at the Daci Tree King.

The other party also looked curious.

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