"Okay... I originally wanted to wait until tomorrow. Since you are curious today, take it out and take a look..."

Extract the treasure from the All Heavens mission group.

Something fell to the ground.

This is a treasure chest like a diamond.

The area is about fifty centimeters.

It doesn't look big.

The Scarlet King frowned and said: "What kind of things can be found in such a small treasure chest... It looks very weak... The task is so difficult.

Also captured Guanyin Bodhisattva.

That’s it? "

"It should be that the "Zero Three Zero" stuff hidden inside is good, maybe it's that kind of compressed space."

King Daci Shu saw this kind of treasure for the first time.

Seems very curious.

Su Han, on the other hand, chose to open it without even thinking about it.


When the treasure chest is opened.

A clear light lit up from inside.

"This is..."


"No...it's a sun!"

King Daci Shu said with a serious face.

It looks like a fireball.

But there was a very terrifying heat inside the treasure box.

Space is even distorted.

If released to the outside.

Then, this fireball will change into.

A very terrifying existence.

And this thing.

It’s the sun!

A real sun, not one condensed by the power of God.

There is a world of difference between the two.

The sun transformed by the devil.

Just burning myself.

It is equivalent to some kind of power, which is released once the core of one's power is burned out.

Then the sun will disappear.

This is a very scary thing.

Also, the planet began to expand.

Then the power of the sun is not enough.

It will also be a problem.

This will make the air cooler and not get enough sunlight.

So, the birth of this sun.

This is what Su Han needs very much.

"Hey... there is something down there. Is this... the moon?"

The Daci Tree King looked at the sun and saw a cold sphere.

Guessed it instantly.

This should be the moon.

But Su Han shook his head and said: "This is not the moon... but the lunar star..."

"What difference does it make?"

"The moon is just a sphere that can refract sunlight, and the lunar star is a star! By the way... I was in the Zhoutian formation before.

There is no sun and moon. "

Su Han explained.

Three hundred and sixty-five star formations in the sky.

There is no sun and no moon.

This does not belong to Zhoutian Xingchen.

Because the sun belongs to the extreme of yang.

The Taiyin star is the ultimate Yin attribute.

Therefore, the power attached to these two planets is also very terrifying.

It is not a simple stone.

To prove my guess.

Su Han looked at the moonlight outside and extracted the lunar star.

The system gives a prompt.

The treasure is currently sealed.

Just unlock it yourself.

can unleash true power.

It happens to be night now.

Su Han threw the cold sphere towards the sky.

Until it merges with the moon.

He stirred up the power.

"Taiyin Star, unlock!!!"


The sphere expanded instantly.

Almost in an instant, the original moon was swallowed up.

And, the bright moonlight.

Sprinkled all over the earth in an instant.

King Daci Shu looked at the huge lunar star.

Can't help but be shocked.

"This... this is too big, equivalent to ten times the previous size! The entire sky... is almost occupied... and the power of the moonlight is so strong."

As the god of trees.

She feels the moonlight most directly.

The Scarlet King also felt a force a thousand times more powerful than the Moonlight Maple Tree coming towards him.

"What a comfortable power, the ultimate in Yin attributes... It's really comfortable!!!"

"Even if I don't like moonlight, I still feel it nourishes my soul. I didn't expect that the role of the lunar star would be so great..."

Feel the changes in the moon.

Of course it’s not just here.

All of Teyvat felt the moon change.

It's now huge.

At the same time, it can release very powerful power.

This extremely yin force.

It can nourish many Yin-type creatures.

Especially spirits.

However, in order not to cause unrest...

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