But this is not the devil.

Because of the power of the devil.

Beyond all imagination.

And what he wants to do is to overturn the throne of the sky.

Let the Queen of Winter ascend the throne and become king.

So, I worked hard for countless years.

It's a pity that Su Han came out of the blue.

But it blocked everything.

Anyone who stood in front of him was crushed to pieces.

Dadalia from the beginning.

Liyue spread to Mondstadt, then Inazuma followed by Xumi.

One step after another.

It's like ascending to a higher level.

He was just an ant-like guy at first, but now he was crushed to pieces.

Such power.

Even he felt the fear in his heart.

Su Han even appeared in front of him.

The clown didn't even know if he could survive ten minutes in the opponent's hands.

But now...the only thing that can keep him going is that almost nothingness dream.

Now the abyss strikes back.

All the pressure came to the winter kingdom.

In a rift somewhere.

Bodies piled up.

These are the corpses of monsters in the abyss, compared to Fontaine's situation.

The Winter Kingdom is the most ferocious place.

Because when other countries are not yet at war with the Abyss.

their country.

I have been fighting abyss monsters every day for a long time.

However, the situation today is even more serious.

"Work harder..."

"Artillery support...don't let the enemy rush over!!"

"Go ahead..."

War rages across the canyon rim.



A large number of weapons are aimed at the abyss monsters.

Such a horrific bombing.

Only then could he barely suppress the enemy.

And the sky gradually returned to brightness.

When everyone feels like they can no longer hold on.

A terrifying light bloomed from above the clouds.

The original sun.

It was actually illuminated by a huge sunbeam!

Just like the moon at night.

At this time, the sun seemed to be magnified ten times.

The heat skyrocketed.

When those monsters were exposed to such light, they screamed and retreated one after another.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

I saw a carcass of a bird inside, swimming slowly inside.

It seems like an illusion.

Seems real.

The bird disappeared, and the sun shrank.

Slowly it returned to normal size.

However, those monsters did not dare to come out.

Because of this power.

Very scary.

It can even be said to be a bit scary.


In heaven.

Su Han looked at the sun and let out a sigh of relief.

I almost got into trouble.

I didn’t expect the power of the sun.

It would be so terrible.

If the sun were magnified ten times, Tevat would be bald in one day.

This is better.

Lunar star.

And the sun in front of me.

All are under their own control.

This is because this treasure automatically binds itself as the owner before being released.

You can even travel to the Lunar Star and the Sun.

The premise is that it can withstand the scorching heat of the sun.

"This sun seems different from the previous one..."

Paimon closed his eyes and felt it.

The temperature has increased.

At the same time, it seems that Yang Qi is constantly flowing in the world.

The most important thing is.

There are also some incorporeal monsters.

Can't survive under this sun.

Otherwise, it will be burned directly.

This is the horror of the real sun.

And like the sun before.

Ghosts can appear during the day.

030 It’s simply outrageous.

Su Han nodded and said: "The real sun should indeed be like this... I didn't take you to the moon yesterday, so let's wait until tonight.

Let's go to the Lunar Star for some fun. "

"I really didn't expect... that a special treasure chest could contain something like this. It's so outrageous..."

"I thought something strange would appear, but..."

"The sun and the moon, do they complement the power of the stars?"

Ray movie as the emperor.

Naturally, one can feel the changes in the power of the stars.

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