Today's star formation seems to be more powerful.

If you use the power of the stars yourself.

Will increase the strength by at least 30%.

Just think about it and you will know how terrifying this power is.

Hu Tao tried to use the fire spell, and the result...a huge flame shot directly into the sky.

"Go ahead, it's so strong... The power of flames is so terrifying! Has my strength increased? Or is it the influence of the sun..."

"It must be the sun!"

Xiangling came over and said with a smile.

She also felt the exuberance of the fire element in the air.

Even, not just myself.

All those with the fire element can feel this increase in power.

Likewise, the person who receives the greatest increase in strength.

It was Diluc.

He holds the Holy Sword of the Sun.

The sun is getting stronger now.

His strength naturally increased.

The improvement is about 40%.

Chapter 786 The Points Mall has been refreshed, Universal Seed and Ghost Soul-Destroying Blade

Adjust the sun's exposure to a safe limit.

Su Han stopped moving.

Because the current exposure range is just right.

It will neither make the vegetation uncomfortable nor affect people's practice.

It can be said that the current sun is at its most suitable level.

If you want to expand the sun.

Then there are only two ways.

Make the world of Teyvat stronger.

Or, make it bigger.

This way.

The range of exposure will also become larger.

The sunlight needed will naturally be more abundant.

After letting the sun rotate.

Su Han looked at the points mall this time.

Although you can't buy level 4 products yet.

But I’m still looking forward to something this time.

After all, Teyvat can lack everything now.

Open the mall.

What catches the eye is a first-class product.

Cheap and friendly.

Su Han directly chose to raid without even looking at the prices of these things.

[Universal Aura Seeds]: Special aura seeds in a certain world, which contain plant seeds of various elements. They only need to be scattered into the air.

Countless baby products can be evolved

[Introduction]: The omnipotent aura seed is a combination of multiple creations. What can be born depends on randomness. For example, seaweed will be born in the sea.

If it's a desert, desert roses will grow.

If it were peace, fruits would be born

[Remarks]: The omnipotent spiritual energy seeds do not have any geographical restrictions. They are used for pioneering in a certain fairy world. Many planes do not have a large number of plants.

This is how the omnipotent spiritual energy seeds were born.

[Tip]: Once the omnipotent spiritual energy seeds take root and sprout, they cannot turn into seeds. Moreover, this kind of thing is a product of the fairy world, and it is difficult to say what its effect is.

Comes with a complete encyclopedia of plants and trees in the fairy world

[Quantity]: 10 million pieces

[Price]: 30,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and sixteen hours

[Boyun Tuna Cultivation Method]: A basic cultivation method in a certain world, a very common but very good cultivation method

Can be applied to anyone

[Introduction]: The technique comes from a certain fantasy fairy world. Although it seems very simple, it cannot be practiced to a very strong level.

But it has an advantage, that is, there are no restrictions

Even a cow can practice cultivation

[Effect]: After practicing, you can strengthen your body and benefit the next generation. Even a lame person can restore his body's incompleteness. It should be noted that

When practicing, you must breathe out in the morning when the morning glow comes.

Once missed, it will have no effect

[Tip]: This technique was created by Emperor Xiaguang. He thought about the suffering of the people and wanted to transform their physiques.

[Remarks]: The highest level can only reach the peak of the golden elixir stage.

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and sixteen hours


[Random beast seeds]: The beast seeds in a certain world can be regarded as a collection of beasts, which contain a large number of offspring of beasts.

As long as it is released, a large number of ferocious beasts can be derived according to the environment

[Introduction]: This is a despicable thing used to break through planes in a certain fairy world, because the ferocious beasts have no reason and can reproduce quickly.

Once you get resources, you can grow a lot

If the control is not good, it will bring bad things to a plane.

[Remarks]: Everything has two sides. If the ferocious beast is regarded as a test object, it can be used as a test to hone the strength of the warrior.

[Tip]: Although ferocious beasts are scary and irrational, their bones and flesh are very good things.

[Quantity]: 10 million pieces

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and sixteen hours


[How to make ghost soul-killing weapons]: A special weapon of the Ghost Assassin Organization in the Xianxia World. This organization is a special race and is an organization that was born to kill souls.

[Introduction]: If you don’t know how to make this weapon, the curse mark engraved on it will never be reforged. Even if you get the weapon, you can’t recast it.

This is the power of the Ghost Assassin organization

[Remarks]: To cast this kind of weapon, a large amount of soul crystals are required, and a special smelting method is also required, using animal bones as the main body.

eventually form a weapon

[Tip]: This weapon can grow, and once hit by the weapon, it will be damaged at the soul level.

[Special]: The person who uses this weapon can also get a special skill, soul hiding...that is, after use, it turns into a soul state and hides in a different space.

Can only exist for a maximum of thirty seconds

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

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