But it's a pity, even for such a person.

In the end, he fell into the halo of the protagonist.

Yae Shenzi nodded and said: "Okay... then I'll go do the mission. We'll talk about it later..."


The words fell.

The fox has gone to the mission world.

Four-star mission.

030 is really not enough nowadays.

Although the Yao Shenzi practiced immortal arts and became an immortal at the same time,... the use of three-color Haki has never failed.

Just hunting a Douglas Barrett.

It's a piece of cake.

When Yae Shenzi opened his eyes.

It has already appeared in the world of One Piece.

The vast sea.

It's soothing.

"Well...it's still the familiar sea breeze, but...let's make some calculations first. We can hunt some masters this time."

She was thinking.

Who can I bring back this time?

Straw Hat Boy and others definitely can't do it.

With their character.

Nor will he give in to himself.

Even getting it here is troublesome.

Moreover, Yae Kamiko doesn't like the characters of Straw Hat Boy, Zoro and others very much.

Read the story and read the story.

If it really caused this group of trouble.

There's really no way to deal with it.

Luffy causes trouble everywhere.

Sauron is simply a road fool.

And Sanji, that old pervert, would be chopped into pieces by Su Han if he got it.

"His sister Reiju is pretty good..."

Just when Yae Shenzi was thinking.

On the distant coast, a terrifying battle broke out.


Huge aura.

It directly shattered the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The battle begins.

"This is the battlefield... Only the living can continue to fight. The strongest in the world... was born from this..."

Barrett is as fast as lightning.

A supernova with one punch.

The power of overlord color.

Basically unstoppable.

And his physical skills are not something that ordinary people can resist.

Soon, Straw Hat Boy and others were killed one after another.

Even members of the Navy had their warships shattered with one punch.

Such a powerful force.

It was extremely suffocating.

And the people in the Navy also looked ugly, too strong... This sense of oppression was really too strong.

It's simply impossible to resist.

No one dared to slack off.

Quickly prepare for battle.

Because facing such a monster-level guy, whoever dares to be distracted will die in the next second.

There is no doubt about it.

But no one saw it.

A figure is moving in the shadows.

A naval soldier who was sniping at Barrett in the distance suddenly disappeared.

The people next to me didn't even notice.

Everyone was nervous.

He didn't pay any attention to what was happening next to him.

Then another soldier disappeared.

Yae Shenzi at a very fast speed.

Knock the person unconscious and throw them into the Dust Song Pot.

Anyway, these people don't know magic, so naturally they can't crack the magic weapon.

Even after becoming more and more proficient.

Yae Shenzi didn't even bother to knock him out.

Just pull it directly into the Chensong Pot and that's it.

Less than fifteen minutes.

Thousands of people disappeared.

Some naval generals noticed something.

But when they wanted to investigate in detail, they found that... they couldn't find the target at all.

And Barrett won't give them any time to be distracted.


On the distant coast.

Empress Boya Hancock was panting. She also came to this battle, but unfortunately... her own power could not shake the opponent.

Just when she wanted to get up.

But a figure came in front of her.

"Who are you?"


The knife cut into the back of the empress's neck.

The empress was captured directly.

The sisters next to her were directly stunned by lightning.

"The first goal was successful..."

Those with the ability to petrify fruit.

Since the fruit cannot be obtained.

Capturing people is also pretty good.

Yae Shenzi headed in another direction.

As a result, by coincidence, the island where Chopper and Nami were located was directly blown away.

Looking at the two people who kept screaming.

A smile appeared on the fox's face.

"I'm so sleepy, I'll give you a pillow..."


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