She stepped lightly and threw the two people directly into the Chensong Pot.

However, Yae Shenzi had not yet locked in on the next target.

A figure appeared in front of him.

"Hand over Ms. Nami...huh? What a beautiful could there be such a beautiful woman!!!"

Sanji couldn't help but be shocked.

It's really beautiful.

She is simply more beautiful than Nami and Robin.

No, I have to find Nami and Chopper quickly.

Sanji couldn't make a move on a woman.

This is his weakness.

It's a pity that the Eightfold God Son doesn't know how to let go.

This is a parallel world.

Moreover, I came here to hunt.

How many treasures you can get depends on how many people you can resurrect.

The tail is just a gentle sweep.

Sanji instantly vomited blood and flew out.

And Yae Shenzi quickly locked Robin's position and took him away with a gentle tug.

At this time, a vice admiral appeared next to him.

The other party looked at the figure of Yae Shenzi and frowned: "A strange pirate? He has a beautiful body... It's a pity that he met me..."

The opponent's fist turns black.

Want to attack Yae Shenzi.

But the attack hasn't landed yet.

He was swept away by a tail.

"A mere ant is not worthy of standing in front of me..."

Yae Shenzi's eyes were cold.

The moment when the body disappears and reappears.

The lieutenant general had been killed by her.

And Smoker naturally noticed everything that happened.

His eyes were full of horror.

Because he witnessed the whole process.

This woman moves on the battlefield like a ghost.

Be it pirates or navy.

As soon as he comes to her, he disappears.

Smoker, who was sweating profusely, didn't even notice Barrett approaching in the distance.

"How could there be such an outrageous thing in the world... Qing Pheasant!!! Have you seen it..."

"Yeah...many people have been taken away. It's too tricky..."

The blue pheasant that originally came to support.

Now his eyes are also fixed on Yae Shenzi.

Chapter 793 The terrifying power of the Eightfold Son of God, the death of Barrett

Why is Qing Pheasant so panicked?

Because no one present found Yae Shenzi.

It’s not that I didn’t see it.

Rather, so much breath.

Seeing, hearing and color are not captured.

This shows that the other party is a person who can hide his aura.

The Fruit of Silence certainly isn't.

There is currently no information on this.

However, even if it is the fruit of silence.

It's not like he can hide his aura.

But the other party is able to do this.

What does this mean?

"Is it difficult to understand that the other party also has the power of red hair? See, hear and kill...-..."

The green pheasant dare not be careless.

In front of him, Barrett was intimidating everyone, but... there was someone secretly attacking both sides.

This was something he couldn't stand.

"Smog, please protect the team and go meet her..."



The blue pheasant turned into a line of solid ice and rushed directly towards the Eightfold Divine Son.

Countless icy breaths flew in.

"Oh? Have you been discovered... But, Aokiji... your power seems to be just this!"

The Son of the Eightfold God transformed into thunder and lightning.

Just a kick in the air.

Terrifying impact.

Directly forcing the blue pheasant to vomit blood and fly upside down.

Hurt people from a distance.

Overlord color entanglement.


"This monster woman is scarier than my aunt..."

The green pheasant's body finally stagnated on the ice.

The blood flows straight down.

The look he looked at Yae Shenzi was full of fear and horror.

A guy who can master the overlord's color entanglement.

There was no information at all from his side.

This is simply outrageous.

After the Eightfold Divine Son forced Aokiji back, he ignored him.

But locking in another target.



Lightning flashed.

A flick of the finger.

Smoker immediately flew out.

Then Dasqi slowly disappeared in the other person's eyes.

"You woman, what on earth are you going to do!!!"

Smoker turned into smoke and rushed over.

But the poignant lightning turned into a whip and fell on Smoker's body.


Thunderclouds burst.

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