During that training time.

This seemingly benevolent but cruel Nuwa Empress once said to herself that if she could accept her fate and dress the other side,

You can get a chance for redemption.

Even in the future, mother will be more valuable than son.

Of course, this is all because Bai Yan is a virgin.

The generous conditions just given.

Otherwise, she is not worthy of being a slave.

He can only be a fighting dog.

Don't underestimate the pain of being imprisoned by Fuxi for hundreds of millions of years.

Now Miaoyue.

Don't be too harsh with your enemies.

There will be absolutely no mercy.

"How should I call you〃〃?"

"Since you call her Sister Miaoyue, then I'll call her Lianxing!"

Nuwa, in a green dress, said with a smile.

"Lianxing? It's a good name...it's just a pity that it sounds a little sad."

"Don't say that. I'm very satisfied with being able to survive. It's just a name..."

Lian Xing is very satisfied with his name.

As for the sadness in it.

To put it bluntly, it’s just lamenting the past.

Not much emotion.

Su Han nodded, and then asked: "Sister Lianxing... your strength recovery speed is a little slower than that of Sister Miaoyue..."

"There is no way, who told her to wake up early, and...we need to swallow a lot of spiritual energy when we practice to restore our origin.

Even that Azerite stuff.

However, Miao Yue is here.

I can take it easy.

Just practice slowly.

Moreover, I have also seen your current task progress.

When you need it, I will naturally satisfy you. After all, we are grasshoppers on the same rope..."

There is this answer.

He felt much more relieved.

After chatting for a while.

Su Han stood up and retreated.

Today is a refreshing day. Not only did I conquer a powerful slave.

And he also knows Lian Xing's current status.

Really good.

On the way back.

Su Han looked towards Bai Yan, and the leisurely and compassionate temperament between his brows had long since disappeared.

Instead, there was a touch of emotion and kindness.

Of course, Chuchen’s temperament has not disappeared.

After all, it has been cultivated for thousands of years.

It doesn't disappear in such a short time.

But this expression is pure, charming and solemn.

But Su Han was a little unable to control himself.

If you haven’t just exercised.

Su Han definitely couldn't control it.

Noticed the owner's gaze.

Bai Yan smiled faintly.

"Master also asks you to control your mind. This is a training to strengthen your mind. Senior Miaoyue said... my slave is stronger than you.

Even without using any spells.

The power that has been cultivated for thousands of years will still attract you involuntarily.

There are loopholes in Buddhist practice.

It will affect other people’s minds..."

"I see!"

Su Han suddenly realized.

I finally understood why I couldn't control my gaze.

And Bai Yan continued: "The slave belongs to the master, and it will always be like this... Mainly, if there is a need, the slave will not stop him.

But please use your slaves as stepping stones to practice.

Time is for you.

Endless, don’t be greedy for pleasure in a moment. "

".¨Well, what you said makes sense. By the way... If you have time, why not go teach the scriptures to the people in Liyue, just to induce people to do good...

Or help Mandrill to make Buddhism bigger.

The Buddhist scriptures we have here do not pay attention to those things that castrate people's courage and will.

Instead, it encourages people to work harder.

There is no need to talk about putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately..."

"Well, Bai Yan knows..."

The two people quickly returned to Qunyu Pavilion.

Everyone saw Guanyin Bodhisattva coming.

They were also shocked.

But when Yae Shenzi saw the collar under Bai Yan's collar.

But he suddenly showed an ambiguous expression.

Keqing's face turned red with embarrassment.

As for Mona and others, there was no reaction.

After all, they had played this kind of game together before.

Anyway, as long as Su Han is happy.

And not be seen by outsiders.

Actually it's nothing.

Even Ning Guang has done similar things.

In fact, everyone is the default. (good)

The collar also disappeared in a flash.


Su Han introduced: "From today on, she will be my secretary... her name is Bai Yan, and she will be given very high authority. If there is anything that needs to be dealt with.

Or confused.

You can just ask her directly.

It’s okay to practice or compete...but forget it when you rest at night! "

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

For Guanyin Bodhisattva to be able to join this big family.

Everyone was happy to hear it.

After all, it doesn’t matter whether the other party is in terms of strength or knowledge.

Even refining treasures is far beyond all talents.

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