If there is help from the other party.

Then many things can be solved easily.

This is a boss who is not much worse than Miao Yue.

Who dares not to respect it?

Although she is currently Su Han's slave.

But this kind of strength and status.

You will still gain respect.

Then everyone hurriedly came forward warmly.

The atmosphere also became relaxed and happy.

Chapter 797 Doubts from Yae Shenzi, Kagome and Kikyo’s Bath Dance

Talking about the method of alchemy.

White smoke.

The explanation is very detailed, from the raw materials to the slow refining.

It can be said that everything is done in detail.

Even if all the people in the medical department put together, they are far inferior to Bai Yan's explanation.

"Alchemy is actually a combination of formations, the integration of Tianyuan...the use of drugs to stimulate the properties of drugs, so that the original medicinal properties are combined with each other.

This is the essence of alchemy.

If it were just elixirs.

In fact, you can refine the medicine by just throwing it in. Anyone can do this. You just need to know some basics and some understanding of the properties of the medicine. "

Listen to the other person's explanation.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Su Han couldn't help but nod.

An expert is an expert.

Alchemy can explain a manifestation of Tao.

In fact, the same is true for cultivation.

Form a world within the body.

A loop.

Watching everyone digest this explanation.

Bai Yan looked at Totosai who had only one hair on his head.

"Do you have any doubts?"

"Ahem... Sir, I have some questions that I would like to ask about weapon refining..."

Totosai scratched his head.

Somewhat embarrassed.

Just because the 030 strength gap between the two is too big.

On the contrary, I was a little afraid in my heart.

Although Miao Yue had given guidance before.

But the other party's realm is even more different.

Even ask.

I only got some knowledge that I didn't understand.

Bai Yan was silent for a moment and said, "Bring over a weapon you just refined..."


Totosai quickly took out a piece of his proud work from the space magic weapon.

This is a flying sword.

Not low grade.

The materials used are even the bones of some monsters.

Bai Yan flicked it with his finger.

The sword body buzzed.

The sound is a bit messy.

Not clear.

"The flaw is very obvious. The refining method is too rough. To solve this problem, you need powerful fire power, if you can master it.

This is very good!

It's a pity that you still have some strength.

It has not reached that extreme.

The refined magic weapon is naturally not up to standard.

To put it simply... you need to practice and improve your own body strength, otherwise... these magic weapons will already be your ultimate! "

Heard Bai Yan's comments.

Totosai suddenly realized.

His method was correct, but his strength was insufficient.

This is somewhat fatal.

In the past, my method of refining weapons was still the method from the indigenous world.

Even if he comes into contact with the method of cultivating immortals.

He didn't pay too much attention.

Now it seems that the lack of strength is also a huge flaw.

"There is a drop of three-light divine water here, combined with some dragon blood, it can improve your origin and solve some problems..."

I want to increase the strength of monsters.

The most important thing is to solve the root problem.

If this can be solved.

Then, the monster's strength increases.

It will actually be very fast.

Totosai looked at the treasure that shone with aura and immediately knelt down to thank him.

"Thank you Lord Bai Yan, thank you Lord Bai Yan..."

Looking at the old monster in tears.

Bai Yan chuckled and said: "Don't thank me, this is a gift from the master... Keep working hard, your potential is more than this. If you can absorb more dragon blood in the future.

Even leaving this body is not impossible.

However, you are not very good at it now.

If your soul is peeled off, it will not fit into your new body..."

"Yes, yes... Your Excellency, you are right."

Totosai nodded quickly.

Expressing great joy.

In fact, as long as you can refine weapons.

He is satisfied.

Looking at the busy white smoke.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction when he wanted to return to the pavilion to practice.

But he found that Yae Shenzi came in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"No, I just miss you... You haven't been with me for a long time!"

Look at the pretty fox acting coquettishly.

Su Han couldn't help but pat her buttocks.

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