Watch the system beep.

Su Han left with everyone.

The battle this time was very easy, and several other people did not even participate in any fierce battles.

Just like this, "140" ended.

However, this battle is for the world of Teyvat.

But very important.

Because Su Han and others have absorbed a lot of resources.

After returning to the world.

He poured out the stolen resources.

The destination is naturally Xumi and Nata.

Compared with the abundance of other countries.

The two countries here are somewhat miserable.



Let alone crops, not even a blade of grass can grow.

Therefore, people like Su Han will always focus on stealing resources.

There are just a lot of resources to fill it.

These areas can still be repaired.

With the fall of the magical vegetation in the God of War world.

The bare spots were finally filled.

In some volcanic areas, vegetation suitable for this place also grows.

Eura looked at the area that was quickly covered with green flowers, and said to Nasida: "It's up to you now, these trees have just fallen.

I don’t quite adapt to this environment…”

"Well, I know..."

Nasida far away in the desert area.

He closed his eyes gently.

Infinite power began to cover the earth.

If it were done according to the original Nasida, it would definitely be similar.

Now after a long period of practice.

She has become countless times stronger.

Green an area.

It's just a small thing.

On the other side, the area of ​​Nata.

It is done by the water god.

The plants here are different from those in the desert, so they tend to be of the fire element, but...even so they need nutrients and nourishment.

A lot of water falls.

Green plants also begin to come into contact with the ground.

Lots of rain.

Rich in various powers.

This is the source of life.

Only with its existence can a world be nourished!

While the two goddesses were at work.

Su Han looked at the system rewards.

The reward for this mission is not low.

Even better than he imagined.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team's difficult mission in the heavens. As the group leader, you will receive an additional reward for the mission: 300,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the five-star team's difficult mission in the heavens. As the leader of the group, you will receive the mission reward: the special soul magic of the giant family]

[Special Soul Magic of the Giants]: A treasure from the God of War world, but because Odin was afraid of the giants' rebellion, he began to destroy all the giants.

And this kind of magic is naturally lost

[Introduction]: This is a kind of soul magic that can be used to create souls and inject them into machines, instruments, or the bodies of beasts.

The other party will gain powerful soul power and move towards another person for 5.5 lives

[Introduction]: The power of things cannot be separated from the soul. Only by the transformation of the soul can the object gain the power to transcend itself.

The special soul magic of this giant family

That's why it was born

By the way, Jormungandr was resurrected because of this!

[Tip]: The special soul magic of the giant family is very powerful. You must be proficient in the power of the soul to learn it, otherwise there will be backlash.

Chapter 880 Shy Arecino, Su Han: Sandone will be destroyed if you don’t listen.

"The magic of the giants? What's the meaning of the game... I remember that Jörmungandr was created by the soul magic of the giants."

Su Han looked at the treasure he had obtained.

Study it with interest.

Of course, he won't hide it privately.

Like Lisa.



All have obtained this treasure.

They can research as they please.

Su Han will not stop him.

Arlecino, who looked like Eurasian, liked this kind of thing very much.

She studied it.

There was a preliminary attempt.

Shattered fragments of soul.

began to pour into the sand in front of them.

With the infusion of soul.

A wise earth element was born.

However, the body is like sand.

Therefore, the other party cannot maintain a long-term human form.

"It turns out that even if the soul is inserted, if the body cannot bear it, there is no way to survive..."

"What about this?"

Archireno took out some stones.

Start refining.

Soon the black stone turned into an exquisite body.

A creature like a stone man was born.

After injecting the soul.

The other party's eyes turned light blue.

It looked at Arecino blankly and said: "Master..."

"Ha... this is interesting, interesting... really interesting..."

A creation is born.

You can also set the opponent's intelligence.

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