What fun.

Arecino said to Su Han: "Master, tell me...if that guy Sandone, would he be so excited to see such magic..."

The other person is obsessed with making dolls.

Especially the bionic dolls.

Back then, when Lei Dapao was there.

The other party has done a lot of research.

Otherwise, you will not quickly become an executive among fools.

But...that kind of technology is too rare.

The machine produced cannot reach the level imagined by the other party.

So, now it seems that giant magic is what the opponent needs.

When Su Han heard this, he said without looking back: "I don't know where Sandone has gone now. I haven't seen her since the failure of the Xumi mission."


Neither did Nata.

The only possibility is Zhi Dong, but... my intelligence department has not found it yet.

It's a pity.

Originally I said I would find the other person.

Let her do some atonement..."

Regarding Sandonne, Su Han was not cold at all.

After all, he is a technology geek.

It caused a lot of trouble for myself at the beginning.

But...how to put it, now the whole world is under my control.

Forget about that bit of hatred.

If the other party is willing to admit defeat.

Then, Su Han wouldn't mind taking him in.

If Sandonne is stubborn.

Then don't blame him for being cruel157.

Sending the other party directly to the west is still just an idea.

Listening to Su Han's murderous words, Arecino covered her mouth and smiled: "The other party is very, very cute. You are really willing to kill..."

"There are so many lovely people, am I reluctant to kill them? Only well-behaved beauties like you are worthy of love..."

After listening to Su Han's teasing.

The cold beauty Arecino lowered her head shyly.

At first I was afraid of death.

At the same time, I am also afraid of the death of my soul.

Ever since, one day after surrender.

Quietly crawled into the other person's bed.

The results speak for themselves.

The other party did not let her go, and even took her as a slave in private.

Naturally, these things cannot be known to others.

Chapter 881 The meeting between the skirmishers and Manyo Maplehara, the complaints from Sandone

Domestic to winter.

The wind and snow are still there.

It's just not as cold and scary.

The people lived a stable and quiet life.

However, there are not so many comfortable expressions among the senior officials of Winter Solstice Kingdom.

Because the Solstice Kingdom is now blocked by six other countries.

There was no way to buy anything at all.

At the same time, everyone understands.

There is no abyss in the world of Teyvat now.

It is equivalent to saying that there is no such evil power in the earth's veins in the entire world.

The person who has been dealing with the abyss the longest.

Undoubtedly their solstice country.

However, now the abyss in Zhidong’s country is gone.

Instead, only some valleys remain.


The original road to the abyss is gone.

Completely cut off.

What remains.

It's just a ruin.

Where did the abyss go?

neither knows.

However, there have been rumors about the God King.

someone said.

All this is the power of the God King.

The world of Teyvat has been separated from the original world.

Therefore, the abyss naturally disappears.

Then, it is possible to cut off the existence of a world.

The power of God King Su Han.

How powerful should it be?

Inside the Solstice Kingdom.

In a certain valley.

Sandone, the seventh seat of the House of Fools, sat in despair in his workshop.

"Haha...the current crowd of fools has been completely cut off...〃〃."

"The stragglers are missing!"

"The doctor was killed, the lady betrayed..."

"It exists in name only..."

"Then I have to choose my own path..."

In Sandonne's eyes.

There was a flash of coldness.

Behind her are a large number of mechanical parts.

Sandonne likes to make puppets.

Also likes to build killing machines.

When the skirmishers were there.

I have researched a lot of information myself.

He even made quite a breakthrough with the help of a doctor.

But unfortunately, the doctor is now dead.

The man who brought to himself a whole new theory also came to an end.

And the important prototype.

There are no more skirmishers.

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