When Sun Quan and Zhou Yu got the news.

The two popular faces turned purple.

"Damn bitches, they actually help outsiders deal with me. They are hopeless! I must kill them..."

I heard Sun Quan say this.

Zhou Yu also gritted his teeth and said: "One day I will let these bitches know the consequences of betraying me!!!"

His first wife.

Such a betrayal.

Not only did he betray, but he even helped the enemy~.

How does this make Zhou Yu, who has always regarded himself as a gentleman, deal with himself?

My wife ran away with someone.

And to help the enemy.

People have made him a laughing stock.

And Sun Quan was also angry about this kind of thing.

His wife, sister-in-law...are gone, and even his sister is gone.

Do you think he is not angry?

Sun Quan groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood.

This scene stunned Zhou Yu.

However, he was almost bleeding from anger.

So I didn’t say much.

On the contrary, Sun Quan said: "Fight them back for me, fight back for them...invade my land in Soochow, and seize my women in Soochow.

What a bullshit god king.

Just a pure intruder.

Moreover, he has offended God and will definitely be punished by heaven and earth! ! ! "

"Yes, my lord..."

Zhou Yu actually didn’t want to do it.

Because he knew that such rhetoric was of no use.

However, Sun Quan was furious.

I can't even listen to anyone else's words.

Word spread.

Originally, Sun Quan thought that people in the world would scold Su Han.

But in the end, what he received was even more vicious curses.

“My son, Sun Quan, sent people to spread the plague, cut off the hands and feet of his own people, and sent them to the God King... Such actions are unscrupulous.

Even if there is no divine king coming.

Sun Quan's son is also a beast! ! ! "

Hear this reply.

Sun Quan spit out another mouthful of blood.

I immediately fainted.

As for Zhou Yu, the situation is the same.

However, he received a divorce letter from his wife.

The signature is Xiao Qiao.

The other party told about his various violent behaviors in letters.

Among them, allowing his subordinates to spread the plague was his instruction, not someone else's.

As for the letter of divorce.

Xiao Qiao divorced Zhou Yu because she felt ashamed.

In this era, men divorce women.

How can a woman divorce a man?

And Zhou Yu, as the first in the world, also suffered humiliation.

According to rumors.

· ··Ask for flowers····· ·····

The face is red and the ears are red, and he vomits blood three times.

Finally, he fainted in front of the servant.

After hearing the news.

Su Han shook his head and said: "What rubbish... I can't bear this blow. I can do anything, but I can't admit that I was divorced.

How's it going with Xiao Qiao? "

"Replying to your lord. Maid Xiao Qiao was very quiet and didn't seem to have any emotional ups and downs. However, she cried after hearing the news a few days ago."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Well, that's normal."

Su Han nodded.

Chastity is gone.

Her former husband betrayed her again.

It would be strange not to cry.

After all, killing a million people is no different than spreading a plague to millions.

But the latter will be despised by all generations.

It is reasonable for Xiao Qiao to choose to write a letter of divorce, otherwise the Qiao family will be in disgrace for thousands of years.

"Sir, what should we do?"

"Continue to spread public opinion and tell Xiao Huo and others that they have less and less time to conquer the world. If they don't hurry up,

Don’t blame me if you can’t get the money or water by then..."

"Yes, sir!!!"

After the message is conveyed.

Many cultivators could not sit still.

He began to lead his troops to attack.

Xiao Huo, on the other hand, parachuted into a city and directly killed three generals with the power of his fighting spirit.

Die sitting on a city.

Chapter 894 Lemonia: I just like you humans dancing in front of me, and the Shu Kingdom’s one hundred thousand army was destroyed

"Who can be appreciated by Lord Su Han depends on his own strength..."

"Now that we are allowed to capture the city, it means that your patience has been worn out!"

"Tell the others to take action quickly, otherwise... once you get angry, the whole day will be shattered..."

Xiao Huo said to his subordinates.

These people all come from the world of fighting fire.

Since the world was captured, they have always wanted to achieve something like "187".

But the world of Teyvat is too powerful.

They're in there.

Can't be ranked at all.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally don’t want to give up.

"Master Xiao Huo, you are right...but those generals who have unparalleled power still have some abilities."

"Yes, Wushuang can fight with our fighting spirit, but... only a few of them can awaken Wushuang, but we can all use fighting spirit.

This is the difference. "

"That's what I'm saying..."

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