"That being said, you must also be aware that there are immortals in this world. You must not be careless..."

Xiao Huo gave instructions.

A person starts practicing.

And the Central Plains region.

The tragic defeat of Soochow was well known to countless people.

Cao Cao snorted coldly: "It's a shame he was able to spread the plague... Wen He, what do you think I should do? Now the court has a decree.

Do we want to comply? "

I heard the Lord ask.

Jia Xu stood up and said: "Lord, I think... we'd better wait and see what happens."


"The God-King is so powerful that even the immortals died in the past. And according to the other party's rumors, the immortals in heaven are nothing.

We rashly took sides at this time.

We will definitely die miserably, we are just ordinary people.

As for the God King and the Heavenly Court, we cannot defeat them..."

Listen to your subordinates.

Cao Cao chose not to help each other, but Liu Bei did exactly the opposite.

Has the bewitchment of a crouching dragon.

The other party chose to accept God's will.

Not only did he receive canonization from heaven.

Even got a strong promise.

"All generals who died due to defeat will be able to return to heaven and become immortals in the future..."

As soon as such a promise comes out.

The entire Shu Kingdom became excited.

Uncle Liu Huang was recognized by heaven.

That is divine consent.

Moreover, you can become an immortal after death, who wouldn’t want to follow this...

On the same day, a Shu general led an army to attack.

As a result, they met the combination of Diluc and Kaia midway.

At the same time, there is also the support of Sword Lady Lemonia.

One hundred thousand Shu soldiers.

Bloodily massacred.

The general among them was very boastful at the beginning.

Said that his soul would be taken to heaven.

Become a fairy.

As a result, Lemonia sneered and said: "Oh? Go to heaven... Your humble soul wants to leave after offending my master...

Would you like to take a walk and try it? "

The sword girl tightened her fingers.

The general's soul was directly captured in his hands.

I saw Lemonia pinching gently.

The general's soul was shattered at the scarlet fingertips.

Just a human general.

Dare to challenge a demon-level figure like her 5.5.

It's really fun too.

When she, Lemonia, was fighting the Scarlet King.

This general is not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

Just the breath can kill you.

After this matter spread.

The originally arrogant Shu Kingdom suddenly became quiet.

Everyone knows.

There is a woman in a red dress on the side of the God King, who can destroy a hundred thousand lions with one hand.

Chapter 895 The power of the Uchiha clan comes from Jiang Ziya’s helplessness

After Cao Cao got the news.

It was quiet for a moment.

Now it is really true that whoever takes action will die.

He is not a fool.

Although the hero is good at suspicion, caution is always the best way to save his life.

As for Su Han, he issued an order.

Three days.

He wanted to see twenty cities captured.

He doesn't care which country it is from.

If they fail, everyone will be punished.

An order was issued.

Countless people began to take action.

The monster alliance composed of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru began a rapid invasion directly from the east.

Climb two cities in one day.

Katakuri was leading his men.

Select Side 12 of Sesshomaru for the raid.

Three cities were captured directly.

Soochow's territory was in danger.

However, the real horror is yet to come.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Uchiha Obito.

Namikaze Minato and others started directly from the middle.

With extremely powerful combat power.

Crush the army of monks along the way.

Directly divide Soochow.

Capture six cities in one day.

Among them, General Soochow received help from the monk Zuo Ci.

This person is almost like an immortal.

But he couldn't hold on for even an hour.

He was killed by Uchiha Obito.

The powerful divine power can ignore all spells.

If it weren't for Zuo Ci, he would have already laid out the formation.

He had been killed long ago.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Zuo Ci who had turned to ashes and said coldly: "There are still many powerful people in this world.

We can't be careless..."

"Yes, these people who are almost immortals still have two skills. Unfortunately...he met Obito!"

"I can only say that everything is fate!"

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