On the city wall.

Two cute fox demons were so scared that their scalps were numb.

"Is this...is this the power of Qilin?"

"No wonder he is Xiangrui. It's really terrible..."

The little boy in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this shocking scene: "Oh my God, even our demon-killing fire can't do it.

You're too strong, that big sister. "


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Su Han looked at Gan Yu's appearance and remained silent.

This is what it looks like.

He has never been seen in the game.

No one even mentioned it.

Su Han: " @Ningguang, do you know Gan Yu's current situation?"

Ning Guang: "No, I've never seen it. I haven't heard of it either. I thought you gave her some devil fruit!"

Mona: "Did she use any power? Why does it feel so cool..."

Maybe others would be shocked to see Gan Yu like this.

But in her opinion.

This look is really handsome.

Shen He: "I haven't seen her either, but...looking at her current appearance, it seems a little abnormal."

Sugar: "It seems to be blood, right? I saw her skin turned into scales."

Yae Shenzi: "You guys, can't you see it? The Kirin has already stimulated the bloodline, just like the trick I used in the cemetery that day.

Like us fairy beasts.

When you exert great power, your body will always undergo constant changes..."

Why can't I see her fox tail on weekdays?

Naturally, Yae Shenzi didn't want to be seen.

The same is true for Gan Yu.

It cannot be hidden except for the horns on its head.

She had never shown this gesture to anyone.

Because this is your privacy.

Su Han: "I see...I understand!"

It seems that Gan Yu's true strength is.

It was much more powerful than he imagined.


But he said that in the world of fox demons.

After the huge fireball created by the demon-killing divine fire was shattered.

Gan Yu discovered that the golden-faced Vulcan was blocked.

The other party originally wanted to escape but was caught up by the red fox demon.

However, because it cannot resist the demon-destroying divine fire.

So, now it's hurt.

And very embarrassed.

"You monster, you are so difficult to deal with... You forced me to even take the Red Demonic Pill. You really don't know how to live or die!!!"

The sky is filled with flames.

Transformed into a long whip.

Continuously attack the red fox demon.

But although the other party vomited blood, he said with a sneer: "I just need to hold on until that Miss Qilin comes over.

It will be you who will die then..."

Now that the identity of the golden-faced Vulcan has been exposed.

Naturally, we can't let him leave here.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

You don't have to kill other Taoist priests, but this one is the only one.

Absolutely not alive.

It's a pity that this demon-killing divine fire is too aimed at himself.

Otherwise, 250 guys at this level.

You can kill at will.

The long whip fell mercilessly.

The red-clothed fox demon endured the pain and continued to attack, not stopping until his arms were dripping with blood.

"Damn fox demon, why don't you die..."

"Die to me..."

"Die to me..."

The golden-faced Vulcan attacked like crazy.

Try to get rid of this obstacle.

He has seen his moves broken.

That horrible woman.

Will appear in front of him again soon.

I have to leave quickly.

The uneasiness in my heart.

getting stronger and stronger.

The golden-faced Vulcan could only keep waving the flames, and struck hard again, knocking the red-clothed fox demon away.

Seize this gap.

The golden-faced Vulcan turned around and ran away.

Unfortunately, Gan Yu has already arrived.

call out.

The long arrow that pierced the air struck again.

The golden-faced Vulcan reacted quickly and directly counterattacked with the Demon-Destroying Divine Fire.

At this time, he swallowed the red demon pill.

It’s completely different from just now.

He actually blocked Gan Yu's arrow.

"It turns out that you are not as powerful as you thought..."

The golden-faced Vulcan suddenly smiled.

It seems that when the other party resists his attack.

A lot of energy has been expended.

That being the case.

What are you afraid of?

The golden-faced Vulcan looked at Gan Yu and sneered: "You said you were Qilin just now, right? Ah... Qilin's inner elixir must be very powerful."

If I swallow your inner elixir.

Maybe he can become an immortal..."


The red demon pill in his hand.


It is made from the inner elixir of monsters.

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