Can greatly improve one's own strength.


Otherwise, he would have been exhausted just now.


If you can get a unicorn.


Then, I will be reborn.


Even rejuvenation.


Maybe it can be done.


Thinking of this, the golden-faced Vulcan's eyes became more intense.


I wish I could just kill the monster Qilin.


Chapter 118 Obtaining pure Yang Yan, Gan Yu left without saying goodbye (second update)

However, for insurance.

The golden-faced Vulcan still used his strongest power.

After all, the other party is Qilin.

The blazing demon-killing divine fire formed a shell made of flames outside his body.

"Did you see that? This is my real power..."

"This demon-killing divine fire is the most powerful force in the world..."

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"So what if you are Qilin?"

"Today, let me take care of you, the monster. Don't worry... I will be very gentle!!"

Huge evil spirit.

It burst out from the body of the golden-faced Vulcan.

The power of the demon-destroying divine fire.

It is vividly reflected in him.

The current golden-faced Vulcan is like a huge tentacle monster, surrounded by terrifying flames.

The nearby mountains shook because of this power.

The red fox demon said in shock: "Does he still have power that he hasn't used yet?"

How many monsters has this guy killed?

Looking at the arrogant golden-faced Vulcan.

Gan Yu just said softly: "The power that does not belong to you is an external force after all...I have said it just now.

Kirin is not afraid of this kind of flame.

In my eyes, pure Yang Yan is just a pure fire element.

Let this blow send you to destruction. "

While talking.

An even stronger chill erupted from her body.

Gan Yu's body became more unicorn-like, and her skin moved closer to the crystal blue.

An arrow made of ice element.

Appeared slowly.

A whirlpool of ice.

surge in the sky.

at this time.

One side is a blazing flame.

One side is icy frost.

The heaven and earth turned into these two colors!

"Pretend and die..."

Hundreds of flaming whips were swung towards Gan Yu.

in all directions.

All is flame.

This is an inevitable move.

At least in other people's eyes.

This move is impossible to dodge.

But just as the flame whip approached Gan Yu, it slowly extinguished.

It was like an absolute realm around her.

The flames cannot come close.

The little boy in the distance was stunned.

"Our pure Yang Yan was extinguished like this. It doesn't seem right..."

His mother once said.

The demon-destroying divine fire, Pure Yang Flame, is the most powerful flame in the world.

However, it was frozen!

This...is this the power of Qilin?

On top of the city.

There were little stars twinkling in the eyes of the two fox monsters.

"That's too strong. I want to be this strong too..."

The fox demon with long purple hair is extremely envious.

Because she is also of ice nature.

When frost extinguishes fire.

Only then did the golden-faced Vulcan realize that the arrow he just shot was just to make him relax his vigilance or to leave him alone.

This arrow is the fatal one.

Strong murderous intent.

Already locked yourself.

However, escaping now has become a luxury.

Almost instantly.

The fatal arrow was shot.

Extremely cold.

Let the flaming sky quickly turn into frost.

"I don't want to die!!! Demon-killing divine fire, block it for me..."

A critical moment.

The golden-faced Vulcan used all his strength on defense.

It's a pity that the flames were resisted for a while.

But it only stopped the opponent for less than a second.

Absolute strength.

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