Invest in a port city.

All aspects need to be involved.

It cannot be completed in a short time.

At the same time, prices in Liyue Port must also be coordinated.

We cannot allow unscrupulous businessmen to make huge profits.

And Su Han is also very busy.

Since he agreed to help Qin.

Naturally, we can’t just talk about it verbally.

But to truly help the other person.

For example, support a batch of weapons and armor, of course things made from the bones of the Inu Admiral.

Only elite knights can be supplied.

Naturally, low-end people are not worthy of using it.

Of course, he didn't give it to the other party for nothing.

Knights of Mondstadt.

Will use land as collateral!

A manor can be built for Suhan near the sea in Dadaupa Valley.

Used to produce instant noodles.

Hot pot base.

Waiting for various things.

At the same time, Mond will also give him a large store for free.

The location is on a busy street.

Not cheap.

Otherwise, Ning Guang would really be so generous.

If only I knew Su Han gave it away for free.

She would probably be furious.

The scheduling of weapons and armor is very fast.

On the same day, I took the train to Mondstadt.

Kaia and Amber et al.

Look at the exquisite weapons and armor.

A look of shock appeared on his face.

"What kind of weapon is this? It feels so sharp..."

"The armor is also of high quality."

"As expected of the Liyue Black Blade Troop's equipment, it is too powerful."

The knights touched the brand-new weapons and equipment and almost cried with excitement.

One of the knights.

Use a brand new sword.

It collided with the sword in his hand.

As a result, his weapon was easily knocked out of a terrible gap.

Everyone saw this scene.

I couldn't help but gasp.

Exquisitely crafted West Wind sword.

Did it break so easily?

Are Liyue's weapons so terrifying?

Kaiya said in shock: "What kind of material is this made of? It can be so powerful."

The person in charge of escorting is Keqing.

She explained: "This is made from the bones of a ferocious beast. It is very rare... I can only give you twenty such weapons and armor for the time being.

Because of our black blade troops.

It is also not possible to equip everything. "

"That's enough. Thank you for your help. By the way... Hasn't Su Han come over?"

Qin distributed the weapon and saw that there was no familiar figure behind the other party.

I couldn't help but ask.

When Keqing heard this, she smiled and said, "He is selecting people."

Now that we have territory in Mondstadt.

Su Han naturally wanted to run the business as soon as possible, and manpower was naturally a priority.

Because there are many Chuchu tribes living in Dadaupa Valley.

These guys have to be cleaned up.

To live comfortably.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Qin's eyes, and she smiled: "I can't tell that he is still a busy man..."

"Hey, don't mention it...even if he is fine, he will practice like crazy, otherwise how could he have such strong strength. By the way, Qin...

If you have time, practice more martial arts and domineering skills in the group.

When our own strength becomes stronger.

Only then can we be fearless of all challenges. "

"Well, thank you for your advice. I will work hard to practice..."

Since last night, actually.

Qin felt that there seemed to be some strange changes in her body.

Such busy work in the past.

She tired early.

However, now I don't feel tired at all, but full of energy.

How strange.

Finish delivering this batch of weapons.

Keqing began to command, and Qianyan Army delivered a large amount of goods to the newly opened shop.

Inside are various kinds of instant noodles.

There are also some hot pot seasonings.

Because of the opening of the train.

The price is naturally much cheaper than before.

But it’s still not as cheap as local production.

However, after the store opens.

Still popular in Mondstadt.

It has been a long time since I last sold instant noodles.

Things that people have in their hands now.

They were all purchased from merchants in Liyue.

The price is insane.

Where can I find it so cheap like in a store?

Ever since, instant noodle shops have become completely popular.

One afternoon.

Tens of thousands of packages were sold.

It can be seen how much people need this kind of fast food.


Night falls.

Qin is at her desk taking care of business.

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