At this time, a prompt sounded in the Zhutian mission group.

She took a look.

It was discovered that Su Han was chatting with him privately.

Is there anything going on with the other party at this time?

Qin: "What's wrong?"

"I also asked what happened and whether I was working overtime."


Su Han was furious.

This woman, no matter how lawless she really is.

When in my arms.

Very well agreed.

He said he wouldn't work overtime anymore.

As a result, I'm still working at nine o'clock tonight.

Su Han was very angry and said: "Put down your work now and go to rest immediately, do you hear me?"

"But, work is just a little bit behind."

Qin was a little dumbfounded.

Because she is used to such intensity of work.

Moreover, I don’t do it now.

There will be more things accumulated tomorrow.

However, Su Han retorted: "Why do all the work fall on you alone? Is there no one left in the Knights... You have to learn to train your subordinates.

Let them deal with it.

Instead of letting everyone in the Knights develop a mentality of dependence.

Just leave everything to you.

Moreover, you are now not only the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

She is still my woman...don't forget our agreement.

If you want me to help Mond.

Just listen to me obediently..."

"Okay, okay, I'll just listen to you."

Qin Wenyan put down the unfinished work in her hands.

Overtime ended early for the first time.

Although he was ordered.

But Qin's face showed a hint of happiness.

This feeling of being cared about.

That's great.

The two then chatted for a long time on the bed, all about the construction and personnel transfer of Mondstadt.


The next day.

Jean announces the promotion at the Knights meeting.

First of all, 280 is Kaia, who was changed from knight captain to deputy captain.

Next is Lisa, who went from librarian to advisor to the Order.

And Noelle, who does not have the name of a knight.

Then he became Qin's secretary, responsible for handling the daily life of the Knights and Mondstadt.

And Scout Knight Amber was promoted to Scout Captain.

This personnel change.

To everyone's surprise.

At the same time, she also announced that the Knights will conduct an assessment soon, and those who are not strong enough will have their status as knights revoked.

Moreover, the knights will have assessments every month.

People who are incompetent and greedy for strength.

It will be completely wiped down.

"I object! This is too unfree and goes against the original intention of Mondstadt... Doesn't this exploit us knights?"

"I think so."

"I also agree, why do we need constant assessment? This is too unfree... and it will greatly limit our rest time."

Looking at the three veteran knights standing up.

A flash of hatred flashed in Qin's eyes.

Every time these guys come out to cause trouble, they can't do anything, and they are the first to cause trouble.

I have tolerated them for a long time.

"So, what you think of freedom means that the Knights must be loose, right? As a member of the Knights of the West Wind.

You should have fought for Mondstadt wholeheartedly.

We need continuous efforts.

Keep going in.

Mr. An Ruisi was on duty for eighteen days last month. During his duty, he went to the Cat Tail Tavern twenty times.

Just ask the Discipline Knight who is responsible for policing Mondstadt.

Is this how things are done?

You were even seen hanging out with the Fools!

Someone come and cancel his status! Arrest An Ruisi..."


Watching the knights rush over.

An Ruisi looked panicked and turned around to run away.

Unfortunately, Maplehara Manyo has been waiting for a long time.

A gentle kick sent him back.

Half an hour later.

Qin received a report that there were a large number of letters in the homes of the three knights of Anrith that were in collusion with the Fools.

After reading the contents, she admired Su Han even more.

If there is no guidance from the other party.

We still don’t know how many secrets these moths are going to reveal.

Chapter 138 The fourteenth mission is released to solve the Tangjiabao poisonous incident

"Captain Qin, what should I do next?"

"Publish the actions of Anruisi and the others, but keep the Fools' affairs secret... It is not appropriate to conflict with them for the time being."


End of the meeting.

Everyone got busy.

On the other hand, Qin herself was at leisure.

All this is the credit of that man, without the backing of the Black Blade Force and Maplehara Manyo.

She didn't dare to take action so rashly.

Recalling the frightened expressions of the three old knights.

Qin just felt extremely happy inside.

She opened the All Heavens mission group.

He reported everything that just happened to Su Han.

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