Opposite is Mingguan Gorge.

Su Han pulled out the iron broken teeth, and the cold chakra bloomed in his hands.

"Wind injury..."

He waved his knife forward.

Huge sword energy.

The lake instantly froze.

Until it tears apart the rock on the other side.

It's time to stop.

And this was just one of his strikes.

Yula: "This kind of slashing...is no longer something humans can do..."

The difference between two people.

Only now did she understand something.

Defeat the Wind Demon Dragon and seal the Demon God.

It's not just talk.

"Okay... I have seen my swordsmanship, and now I am going to teach you how to practice domineering. I hope you will listen carefully..."

Su Han put away Tie Suiya.

Explained carefully.

Of course, just explaining is definitely not enough.

You have to teach by words and deeds.

For example, tell them something is wrong, or even the meridians are running incorrectly.

All in all an afternoon's work.

Yura has already understood some of the essence.

Although he did not let his sword turn black and harden.

However, I also learned how to use Haki.

And true genius.

It's not Yura.

It was Gloria who was practicing for the first time. This woman was blind before.

Therefore, perception is very powerful.

Less than four hours.

The power of seeing, hearing and color has actually been activated.

And while they are practicing.

The doctor who was far away in the country of Solstice received a letter from a lady.

"Tch...this crazy woman, she really can't do anything, and she actually wants me to help..."

"However, as for Mondstadt, you can indeed go there... I can just get it back for the loss I suffered last time. Hehehehehe..."

The Doctor wears a mask.

Smiling maniacally.

Before, he wanted to seduce the demon dragon Ursa.

As a result, they were stopped in advance by Mondstadt's people.

The plan also fell through.

But this time, there was a young man and a lady.

It should be possible to take down the wind element's Eye of God.

"Sir...shall we go?"

"Go, of course I'm going. This time I'm not only going, but I'm also going to give Mond a big gift... and let those two idiots see it.

What is truly fooling the masses.

That guy is too indecisive.

Hmm...if only he were more ruthless like me.

Liyue had already taken it! "

The doctor's eyes were full of disdain.

in front of him.

A black machine bird appeared...

This thing is very weird.

Able to attract the magic dragon Ursa! ! !

Of course, just having this thing is definitely not enough!

The man staying in Mondstadt cannot be dealt with by a magic dragon!

Therefore, the doctor has a second method!

If the plan succeeds.

It can plunge Mond into unprecedented despair.

Picture people crying in the flames of war.

The doctor couldn't help but laugh excitedly.


within the next day.

Barbara and others continued their penance.

Until the time comes to the day of the Badminton Festival.

Mondstadt is decorated with lanterns and festoons.

There is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Qin and others also put down their work and took to the streets.

Ning Guang, Gan Yu, Hu Tao and others also rushed over from Liyue.

Let’s feel the festive atmosphere together.

"Wow... I didn't expect Mondstadt's festival to be any worse than our Lantern Festival... It's so beautiful..."

Hutao looked at the various game facilities placed everywhere on the street.

Seems very curious.

One moment I was playing with this, the other moment I was fiddling with that.

Had a great time.

Ningguang took Baiwen to a chess situation and started playing.

As for Gan Yu, at a balloon stall, he blew up twenty-six balloons in three seconds and took away the gifts prepared by the stall owner.

"This... this is too terrifying. Even more powerful than Lord Amber..."

"Brother, don't be so sad! I am an immortal disciple of Liyue, and I am here to give you face..."

"That's right!"

The stall owner reacted.

Quickly in front of his stall.

There is one more ad.

[Latest record, Liyue Immortal disciple’s twenty-six balloons in three seconds! 】

Sure enough, this ad appeared.

Attracted many visitors.

Immortal disciples have all visited.

That must be fun, right?

Su Han looked at Gan Yu holding a rabbit-type plush doll and asked a little funny: "Where did you buy it from?"

"I just saw someone holding a small game, so I went to play it. How about... This bunny is cute, isn't it?"

5.4 “Well, very good.”

Gan Yu smiled sweetly when he heard this and said, "I'll give it to Keli later. I've known her for so long and I haven't given her a gift yet."

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