People always call me sister, and for my would be bad if I didn't give her some gifts.

When Gan Yu brought the doll to Keli.

This little loli jumped up with excitement.

The rabbit is as white as snow.

It's so cute, and...most importantly, it's made from great materials.

It's very comfortable to hold in your arms.

"Thank you sister Ganyu... Keli likes it so much!!!"

"Well, it can keep Dudu Ke company from now on."

Seeing Keli so happy.









Gan Yu also felt very happy.

At this time, a figure ran from a distance, and the other person said with an anxious expression: "Master Su Han, go and have a look.

Bishop Calvin of the Church of the West Wind wants to put you on trial.

And he is praying to the wind god. "

"Oh? There is such a good thing... go over and take a look."

Su Han was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this bishop was so brave that he dared to judge himself.

This must be supported.

Because he also wanted to see how Lord Barbatos, who was respected by the other party, should "deal with" himself.

Chapter 162 Calvin’s fatal move comes from Ning Guang’s solution

At this time, under the statue of the God of Wind.

More than a hundred church pastors gathered here.

Everyone looked solemn.

There was only one young priest who seemed to be listening to something. He was rubbing his clothes anxiously.

"Brother Su Han hasn't come yet?"

"Come here quickly, this Bishop Calvin has made such a fuss that he wants to judge you..."

"Sister, you should have received the news, right?"

"I hope they are faster..."

At the front of the crowd.

At this moment, Calvin was describing Su Han's crimes impassionedly.

"Please everyone must recognize this guy who is trying to confuse Mondstadt!!! That's right...his name is Su Han, from Liyue Port!!!"

"Some people may say that this hero from Liyue has been very helpful to our knights, right?"

"But you don't know his true face!"

"Since the train was built, our transportation has become more convenient, but... many brothers from Mondstadt have gone to Liyue, right?

This is population loss! ! ! "

“Moreover, 30% of our current goods are imported from Liyue, minerals... food and even condiments!!

Among the condiments.

Eighty percent come from Liyue. "

“Even Yingxiang Beach, this place was originally a beautiful place, but... now it has been completely destroyed!

To put it nicely, it is joint development.

However, I heard that half of the profits from Yingxiang Beach will be given to Liyue from now on.

This is a naked cessation of territory! !

We will lose management of Eagle Soar Beach..."

"Some people may also say that Su Han is sending people to train the knights of the Knights, haha... You have all been deceived by him because of this man.

I think even the Knights of Mondstadt were annexed! ! !

Because Su Han has an affair with the acting captain Qin..."


This voice spread out.

The people gathered in Mondplatz were all shocked.

Think about it.

It seems that this is really the case.

The Knights of Mondstadt are powerful, but...the appointments are made by people who are familiar with Su Han.

It's not just that.

With the train open, Liyue can sell more things to Mondstadt.

At this time, a condiment businessman came out, he patted his chest and said: "My name is Will, everyone should know me.

Since the train opened.

My family's spice industry is getting worse and worse.

It is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

All this is because of Liyue people! ! !

If not for them.

I'm definitely not like this..."

"And I...I am the adventurer Spencer, you all know me, right. I hunted a wild boar before, but not long ago.

My girlfriend left me.

I took refuge with the people of Liyue...

Tell me what to do..."

The other party burst into tears.

Countless people were heartbroken to see it.

At the same time, a noble gentleman also came out, and he sneered: "Partners, comrades... didn't you notice?

Mondstadt, which never had a curfew.

A curfew was recently implemented.

And scrutiny is stricter.

Everyone even has to register what they have done recently.

Such Mond.

Mondstadt is not free at all... We should pray to Lord Wind God to completely drive this cancer out of Mondstadt..."

Everyone looked at each other.

My heart said: Is this really the case?

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