Su Han is actually thinking about it too.

The power of magic is actually natural energy.

Not only does it have certain benefits for the body, but it can also enhance itself.

Finally he came to a conclusion.

That was the injury that could heal Lisa.

It may even be possible to counteract the side effects of the witch's power within the body.

Help her fully grasp that power.

Su Han: "If you can practice it, I think it will not only allow you to repair your body, but also completely master this power."

Lisa: "Really!!!"

Hearing can repair wounds in the body.

She was beyond happy.

If this is the case, I can become the feared Rose Witch again.

Yae Shenzi: "It seems that your luck is really good this time, Su Han...if you cultivate this power, can you be a wife?"

360 I heard that Fengshen was a big liar.

You are appointed Pope of Mondstadt! "

Su Han: "Are you so well-informed?"

Yae Kamiko: "Nonsense! This kind of big news... has been announced to the whole world through newspapers a long time ago. You think you can hide it...

Come on, Rice Wife, don't forget our agreement. "

A shabby place like Mondstadt can be tidied up.

Her rice wife wants it too.

Damn it, the God of Wind was actually one step ahead of him.

It's so uncomfortable.

Kamisato Ayaka: "Mr. Yaeguji, what is the agreement?"

Yae Shenzi: "Children, don't ask! Otherwise, your brother will receive ten times more official duties..."

Kamisato Ayaka wants to cry but has no tears.

You are avenging a private vendetta.

Su Han: "...You are thinking too much. With my power, I can't defeat the God of Thunder yet! It will probably take some time..."

He wanted to defeat Kage in an upright manner.

Instead of relying on the help of the fox.

Only in this way can the so-called "defeat" be achieved.

In this case, it is indeed too early to go now.

Yae Kamiko: "'s really boring. Now that thunder and lightning doll is making all kinds of troubles with me, let alone playing movies...

Books cannot be published.

So angry..."

Ray movie.

Huddled in that space.

General Leiden followed the order dully.

Who can understand the suffering of the fox.

Ningguang: " @Yale Shenzi, you want Su Han to go over so much. Did something happen to Dao's wife?"

Maybe it seems to others.

The crumb fox is just expressing dissatisfaction.

But... Ningguang smelled something different inside.

Yae Shenzi is so urgent.

I'm afraid there's something a little abnormal about Mrs. Ina's situation.

Facing Ningguang's inquiry.

The fox quickly gave the answer.

Yae Kamiko: "Recently, it seems that due to the long-term war, a lot of filth has appeared in various places on Narukami Island...

In the past, it was okay to have that guy from Hu Zhai Palace.

Now, I'm the only one...I...actually haven't purified those things.

Only weak power can be used occasionally.

Just suppress it..."

This is the difference in power.

It's not that she doesn't understand the rituals of Dazu.

But I don’t have that power.

This is the most uncomfortable.

Now that I see Su Han, I naturally want him to help.

Su Han: "Has it reached this point? How long can those filth persist..."

Yae Shenzi: "It will take up to a year. If you don't come by then, I can only take action myself, even if... there will be huge risks."

Divine Sakura.

That ceremony was very scary.

Something that only the Omiyaji can do.

Unfortunately, Huzhai Palace has passed away, and this ceremony has not been held for five hundred years.

Small exorcisms.

It's no longer useful at all.

Narukami Island's ley lines have accumulated too much.

Therefore, it was at that time that the Eightfold Divine Son wanted the true divine object of the dragon vein.

Because it soothes the ley lines! ! !

Su Han: "Well, I understand... Don't worry, I will continue to work hard during this period."

More than a year.

There is a high probability that it is time for Yingmei to go to Inazuma.

I hope I can become stronger soon.

Ning Guang: "By the way... While everyone is here today, let's use the mission refresh card. In this case, it will be easier to accumulate enough points early."

Not used before.

It's because she feels that it hasn't reached that point yet.

Now I encounter such a technique.

It should be used.

Su Han: "Well, okay...I'll refresh the mission right now."

The card was taken out by him.

When the thought prompts.

A dialog box appeared in front of Su Han.

【Do you want to use task refresh card? 】

[Tip: Disposable items, the card disappears after use, but a task will be refreshed! 】


He chose OK.

Soon the system beep sounded in the group.

[Ding...because the group leader used the task refresh card, an additional task was refreshed! 】

[Tip: The task will disappear automatically if you do not receive it. 】

[Mission]: Kill the evil-doing dragon in the world of Fengyun

[Difficulty]: Four stars

[Countdown]: Thirty minutes

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