[Tip]: In a while (bcfe), it will be the day when the Qiwu slays the dragon. Please go to Fengyun World and kill the dragon hidden underground in advance!

[Remarks]: The dragon has the ability to breathe fire, strong winds, and terrifying defenses

Hu Tao: "Wow... It's the world of wind and cloud again. There should be no dragon veins this time... But the dragon... I remember it should be the blue dragon, right?"

Ningguang: "The dragon is not a fully evolved dragon, but it can still be regarded as a dragon..."

Gan Yu: "That's good! It seems like this mission should be to find the dragon in advance... Who plans to go later?"

Kill a dragon.

A few new people.

Of course it can't be done.

The only ones who can take action are the senior members of the group.

For example, Ganyu...Beidou...Ye Shenzi, etc.

An existence with extremely exaggerated strength.

Because the description of the task is very simple.

Kill instead of defeat!

At the same time, Su Han once told the story when he killed the Fire Qilin before.

The strength of that dragon.

It is more powerful than the Fire Qilin.

Mona: "Uh... Forget it that I just completed the mission, you guys should take action, right? It's best to complete it alone, otherwise...

It’s quite uncomfortable to be missing those 20,000 points. "

The team mission is simple though.

But the rewards will also be reduced.

It is better to execute it alone.

Ning Guang: " @Su Han...Who do you think is qualified?"

At this time, it is natural to ask the authority.

Su Han: "I think... there are only three suitable people at the moment. After redeeming the skills in the special area, it will be easy to carry out four-star missions in the future."

Beidou: "Let Gan Yu go, that dragon can fly at first sight. Yae Shenzi and I just completed the mission..."

Yae Shenzi: "Well, let Gan Yu go."

Such a troublesome battle.

She was too lazy to go.

Not very elegant at first.

Secondly, to deal with that kind of thing, you have to send the meat to Liyue later.

What a hassle.

After everyone's deliberation.

The character was finally determined to be Gan Yu.

Keli: "Come on sister Ganyu..."

Mona: "Come on...Gan Yu!!!"

Maplehara Manyo: "By the way...I remember Miss Sugar can defeat this dragon, why not let her go."

Xiangling: "Idiot, if the sugar comes, it will be bombed. That dragon is covered in treasures. If it is blown to pieces... what will we eat later?"

A fire unicorn.

But it brought a lot of benefits to Liyue.

This dragon is obviously more powerful than the fire unicorn.

If destroyed directly.

That would be too much of a waste.

Therefore, the most suitable person must be Gan Yu.

Ke Qing: "Unfortunately...I don't have much confidence myself, otherwise I would have wanted to challenge that dragon."

Her sword skills grew day by day.

If it weren't for today's special mission.

Keqing really wanted to ask the dragon for a sword! ! !

Gan Yu: "It's okay, Ke Qing. There will be a mission waiting for you in the future... I'll leave first!!"

Follow Gan Yu to receive the mission.

The live broadcast in the group is started again.

Gan Yu held the Bow of Amos, took some potions with him, and began to perform the mission.

She has been to the world of wind and cloud once.

But last time it was Lingyun Cave.

But this time it was in a forest.


Sugar: "Is this the dragon's lair? It feels... so ordinary!"

Ke Qing: "Well... there must be some secret passage or something, otherwise... it wouldn't be consistent with the identity of a dragon."

Su Han: "The dragon is underground. As for whether there is an entrance, I don't know."

When he was watching TV series.

The shocking dragon.

It flew out from the ground, and then got into a crack somewhere.

And where Gan Yu is.

It should be above the dragon.

Mona: "Oh... So that's it. What should Gan Yu do? Destroy the ground by force... This is too laborious."

She originally thought.

The dragon will stay in a cave.

Who would have thought.

The dragon is inside the earth.

To kill it, the earth must be broken.

What a scam.

Ke Qing: "Fortunately I didn't take the mission... Otherwise, I really don't know how to get that guy out..."

While everyone was talking.

Gan Yu apparently also discovered that the enemy was underground.

She frowned slightly and jumped into the sky.

There was a cold light in his hand.

Falling directly down.

Chapter 170 Gan Yu couldn't beat the dragon and wanted to run away, digging three feet into the ground!


Silver meteors fell to the ground.

Countless frosts immediately eroded the entire earth.

Nearby trees, flowers, and even buildings.

Everything was torn apart by this powerful blow.

The earth is constantly shaking and cracking.

Finally, a huge gap appeared in front of Gan Yu.

Bleak frost eroded the surface.

However, there was no movement inside.

Didn't you wake the other party up?

Gan Yu looked at the crack in confusion, and then smiled.

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