This time the group was very lively.

After all, there were almost twenty people.

Lisa: "I hope there will be some interesting missions. Sister, I want to go to another world to play..."

Diluc: "I just want to prove myself now, give me a chance!"

Kamisato Ayaka: "Ahem... I also want to do a mission today. Recently, I have been trained by Miyaji-sama, and my strength has improved a lot."

Yora: "Hmph...We Mondstadt will not lose to your rice wives. Now that I have mastered the art of sword control, leave this mission to me."

Abedo: "If it's the world of science and technology, please let me go. If it's another world, please bring back some specimens..."

Keqing: "This is simple! It depends on the mission..."

With Abedo joining.

Research on pharmaceuticals is progressing very quickly.

Blood Bodhi has been successfully cultivated, but... it will take some time before it bears fruit.

And the dragon's blood was also tried by him.

Medicines suitable for the human body were made.

Limit one drink per person.

The improvement in strength is about twenty years of skill.

However, people with poor physical constitution will still be affected by being transformed into a dragon if they take it.

Therefore, I am currently taking medication.

They are all high-ranking members of the Knights and the Church.

There are also the senior leaders of Liyue's Black Blade Force.

Yae Kamiko: " @Su Han, if there is a suitable task, let Kamisato Ayaka try it. This girl is very hardworking.

I practice for more than ten hours every day.

He has mastered two-color domineering and sword-controlling skills.

Even three-point return to vitality can cast some light. "

Su Han was a little surprised by Dan Hu's words.

Is Ayaka Kamisato working so hard?

I really can’t tell.

Originally, he thought that the other party was troubled by everyday things.

Only now do I realize that it was Liyue and Mond who had been doing the mission.

She also wants to make some contributions to Inazuma.

However, it's not easy to talk on weekdays, so today I will use the Eightfold God's mouth to report my combat power.

Chapter 179 The Rose Witch applies to fight, the difficult eighteenth mission in the heavens!

Gan Yu: "If it's not a particularly important mission, then I think this mission should be given to someone else..."

She has done many tasks in succession.

If this is always the case, something is really not good.

So if there is a chance.

She now hands over the task to others, which not only strengthens the strength of the group members.

At the same time, you can also go to another world and enjoy it.

While everyone was chatting, the task was finally refreshed.

[Ding... It has been detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the mission of the heavens has been released! 】

[Mission]: Please defeat the Complete Digimon Gorillamon and rescue Sona who was kidnapped by Moleculemon.

[Difficulty]: Four stars

[Countdown]: two hours

[Tip]: The children received an email and were directed to the pyramid area, but unexpectedly due to Taiyi's mischief, the orangutan arrived early.

After a fierce battle, Souna was forcibly taken away by the Molecule Beast.

[Tip]: You can bring Digimon with you in this world!

[Special]: If Souna dies, or any child dies, the mission will directly fail.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Walnut: "Hey... it's the Digimon world!!! Sugar... the world you once visited has appeared!!!

Come and see..."

Albedo: "Digimon? What is that..."

Qin: "I'm curious too..."

Keqing: "To put it simply, they are creatures in the digital world. They like humans very much, but just like humans. Digimon have good qualities.

There is also darkness in nature...

Inside the Jade Pavilion, there are currently two Digimon.

A Pupemon and an Agumon.

These two little guys have been working very hard recently. "

Xiang Ling: "Have you noticed that you can carry Digimon in this mission... There was no such thing in previous missions, right?"

Beidou: "That's really interesting. Which of you wants to go? And what's the strength of this gorilla beast..."
















Ning Guang: "From a complete perspective, the strength has surpassed that of a mature Digimon! Moreover, the four-star mission...

The restrictions are low.

Orangutanmon's power is already very strong. "

Yula: "Apemon? It can't be a monkey..."

Su Han: "It is true that he is a monkey, but... don't underestimate this guy, he is more terrifying than you! Moreover, this guy is not a bloated dark Digimon like Demonmon.

His fighting ability is also very strong! "

Diluc: "It's interesting... However, since Yula can't defeat her opponent, it seems that there is a high probability that I won't be able to complete the mission."

Although a little unconvinced.

But high-end four-star missions.

He really couldn't finish it.

Lisa: "Why don't I go this time... I haven't shown my strength for a long time. I can't let Liyue's people take the spotlight every time..."

Originally, Keqing wanted to accept the task.

However, seeing Lisa say this.

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