He didn't say those words.

Everyone is in a group, and the person speaking is the Rose Witch.

The genius among the geniuses of the Xumi Order.

She also wants to see Lisa's true strength!

Su Han: "Is your body okay? Let me tell you in advance, the combat power of the orangutan beast is very terrifying, and its close range ability is even more terrifying!

Basically, you don't use all your strength.

It's hard to take down the enemy! "

Through the description of the task.

Then you can know.

The mission is set in the time period after the children's first encounter with the Molecule Beast.

Moreover, within this time.

There will be many Digimon around the pyramid.

They are all enslaved by the orangutan beasts.

Moreover, there are two tasks this time.

Defeat the Gorillamon and deal with Souna.

Ning Guang: "I think you can give it a try, and...your two Digimon now have a certain strength.

Let Lisa try it.

If there are any miscellaneous soldiers.

It's also good to exercise those Digimon. "

Gan Yu: "Is it really okay? Miss Lisa's body seems to have hidden dangers..."

As far as she knows.

A member of the Witches' Coven, more or less.

There are hidden dangers in the body.

Even Keli’s mother, the veteran of the Witches’ Association, is no exception.

Lisa: "Believe me, I have recovered very well during this period! And... I will be able to cultivate natural energy after this mission.

Even if there are some minor injuries.

I can take it too.

Every time I encountered a problem before, I relied on the people in Liyue.

How could I, a witch, sit back and do nothing?

Come on, Su Han...if you have anything to pay attention to, tell me! "

Looking at the Rose Witch who had made up her mind.

What else could he say.

While letting Gan Yu bring the two Digimon to Mondstadt.

While explaining it.

Su Han: "First of all, the battle is in the desert! Orangutanmon has many subordinates, all of whom are mature Digimon!

Secondly, Gorillamon has two unique moves.

One is degenerate music.

One is the Dark Death Ball.

The former should be of little use to you, while the latter is a sphere of dark energy!

Next, let's talk about Souna. She was not taken away by the molecular beast, but there was an inverted pyramid at the bottom of the pyramid.

The molecular beast has been injured so far, but be careful as it controls the dark virus.

This thing has powerful devouring power.

If you encounter a mature Digimon, you will die..."

Ning Guang: "So difficult? So...according to the original development of the story, how did the enemy die?"

Su Han: "The molecular beast saw Souna being rescued by other children, activated the dark virus, and died directly..."

Diluc: "If you put it this way, you can definitely let your Digimon protect the children!"

Now that the original story has developed.

It was Taiyi and others who saved me.

So many more Digimon.

It should be very simple.

As for the outside, just rely on Lisa.

Su Han: "But my Digimon only has a growth stage...(bcfe)."

Lisa: "In that case, I'll deal with Orangutanmon as soon as possible! Don't worry... I'll deal with that guy by myself.

The rest of the children went to save people.

This should work. "

All the kids go to the rescue.

This is indeed good.

Increased combat effectiveness, and the molecular beast was injured.

It's also easy to fix.

Su Han: "Okay...take care of yourself when the time comes, don't force yourself too much!"

Lisa: "Got it!"

An hour later, two Digimon came to Lisa.

Looking at the cute puppymon and the strange Agumon.

Lisa smiled and said: "I'll leave it to you soon. This time we will fight together!"

"Don't worry, we will work hard."

The two little guys laughed heartily.

Accompanying the task collection.

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Lisa took the two Digimon and disappeared into the library room.

At the same time, the live broadcast in the group also started.


In the dark desert.

Taiyi and others were hiding in the dark discussing plans.

"We can't let Su Na be taken away, we must find a way to save her..."

"You also said that it's all your fault Taiyi... If you hadn't liked to play around, how would the orangutan beast have discovered you!"

Ah He couldn't help but said.

Inside the pyramid, there are cameras everywhere.

Such a terrible place.

Taiyi was so playful.

The result was captured on video.

Eventually Orangutanmon was attracted.

"But, I don't know..."

"You also said..."

The two people were so angry that they started fighting.

On the other hand, Koushiro is constantly collecting information.

Finally, he found the hidden map and said to the two people: "Stop making trouble... If you have the energy to fight, you might as well think about it.

How to save people tomorrow? "

"The orangutan beast is too strong. We were beaten last time, and it will definitely be the same this time."

Assistant couldn't help but sigh.

Think back to the day.

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