His Digimon was beaten like a toy by the opponent.

It's simply terrible.

Maturity and perfection.

It's not a concept at all.

At this time, a figure came from the darkness.

"Little guys, I can help you..."


Everyone looked over there.

They saw a woman with long chestnut hair wearing a purple robe walking in front of them.

She wore a large purple brimmed magic hat.

Light green eyes.

It's too scary to look at.

But the God's Eye on his neck made Koushiro recognize it immediately.

The other party and Miss Sugar come from the same place.

"Do you know Sister Sugar?"

"Of course I know that little cutie you mentioned... because we lived in the same city before, well... it will get bright soon.

Want to rescue the kidnapped girl.

You must all work together.

It takes courage.

Arguments... are where all the mistakes begin! "

Lisa's criticism was heard.

Taiyi lowered his head in shame, no matter what.

So Na was taken away.

You are responsible.

At that time, he held the idea that it was the electronic world anyway, and he could go back to it after he died.

Just dance like that.

I just woke up now.

That's wrong.

Guangzilang asked: "Sister, what should we do?"

"When daybreak comes, I will fight the orangutan beast, and you will sneak into the pyramid by then. No matter what happens.

Don't worry about it...but you have to rescue Souna.

Otherwise Lisa sister me.

But you will be angry! "

Face her advice.

Others beamed.

Because they defeated the demon beast last time, these aliens have already shown great strength.

If you can hold back the orangutan beast.

Souna can definitely be rescued.

But Ahe said worriedly: "Sister, can you really hold back Orangutanmon? There are at least dozens of mature Digimon outside.

But it is very difficult to deal with.

If you add a complete orangutan..."

"Don't worry, Sister Lisa is not fighting alone. There are also our..."

"Not bad! We can stop those guys."

Agumon and Pupmon also walked out of the darkness.

On the faces of the two little guys.

Full of confidence.

Chapter 180 A completely different mature power, the first appearance of the Rose Witch!

"Huh? Agumon... No, this is not Taichi's Agumon... It seems a little different!"

At first everyone thought.

This Agumon coming out of the darkness is Taichi's.

But if you look closely, you will find it.

This Agumon is also an Agumon.

But there is a very obvious difference with the one from Taiyi.

First of all, this Agumon has obviously more muscles, and its eyes are extremely bright. You can feel the other person's confidence just by looking at it.

As for that little beast.

No one has seen it.

But the look in the other person's eyes was always there.

Group 1001671055

All have strong self-confidence.

Assistant asked worriedly: "Can you two really do it? How do you deal with those guys in the mature stage when you are just growing up...

Besides, you don’t have a divine plan. "

everybody knows.

Without a divine plan.

It is difficult to evolve.

A young Digimon.

In front of the orangutan beast's army.

It's just a toy.

Little Dogmon said: "You don't have to worry about this. It's already dawn, so get ready..."

When everyone is chatting.

It was already bright outside.

The battle is about to begin.

Koushiro stood up and said, "Then I'll leave it to you, Sister Lisa..."

"Same, I wish you success!"

Lisa watched the children leave.

He took Agumon and Pupemon and walked towards the pyramid in the distance.


"Oh...what a comfortable day. I haven't slept so well in a long time!"

Orangutanmon came out of the pyramid yawning.

At this time an attack fell on the pyramid.

A violent explosion.

The orangutan was immediately startled.

"Who... who's attacking me?"

The angry orangutan looked around and finally fixed its gaze on the desert in the distance.

I saw a woman raising a thunderbolt.

Launched an attack on himself.


The thunderball hit the pyramid and exploded again.

"Catch that guy! The dragon beasts..."

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