"Well... about a day... about three days... but not more than a week."

"Huh? Why..."

"Because there is his woman here, and... Pope Xifeng can't just let it go."

Lisa's answer left the two of them speechless.

The time of return basically depends on the other person's mood.

Later, she received a special approval document.

Yingmei has become a member of the Knights.

The knight responsible for applying for her certificate reminded: "If you want to become stronger, you can try to apply to join the special training unit.

At that time, there will be instructors from Inazuma to train you.

The top figures in the Knights all become stronger in this way..."

"Thanks for your reminder!"

"Need not..."

The knight finished his official duties and continued his business.

Paimon was a little surprised and said: "This special training unit should be the training method of Liyue's black blade unit, right?

How about we go see..."


The two people took their certificates and came to the interior of the Knights.

I saw that inside the training ground.


Two figures were sparring.

No...it should be described as fighting.

These are two women.

One of them holds a sword and the other holds a spear.

The fight here is fierce.

If it weren't for a strong barrier.

Estimate the sound of battle.

can spread throughout the city.

"This kind of power is not enough, we must let the domineering flow...Rosalia takes over!!!"

"I'm not too weak than you..."

Two icy storms.

Constantly vibrating in the air.

The power of flowing cherry blossoms.

Used skillfully by two people.

Paimon and Yingmei were dumbfounded.

Are you sure this fierce fighting isn't killing people?

Yura recalled Beidou's slashes and finally realized her own swordsmanship.

Terrible blue slash.

Get out.

Rosalia followed with some reluctance, and her body was even more injured from the slash.

Until the discussion ends.

Only then did Youla notice that there was a newcomer in the training ground.

"Are you a new knight? Do you want to come for training... I can be responsible for teaching you the practice of domineering, as for the magic of immortality.

You have to go find Su Han..."

Face her proposal.

Ying asked in surprise: "Do you know me?"

If I remember correctly.

You just arrived.

When Youla heard this, she smiled and said: "Haha... don't worry about this, we have a special contact method, and Lisa has just told me about you.

If you want to go to Liyue.

I can take you on a trip..."

She has no tasks today.

And it’s been a long time since I made a mistake with Su Han.

If you go now.

After the other party is finished, they can discuss it in Qunyu Pavilion.

In an instant, tomorrow is the task refresh time.

If possible, I would like to do the task myself.

Hear her say that.

Yingying's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly: "Then I'll leave it to you, Miss Youla. I want to talk to Su Han about my brother's affairs clearly first.

Stay for a while longer..."

Don't ask about your brother's affairs.

He has trouble sleeping and eating.

So, the two of them followed Youla and took the train to Liyue.

Look at the train and the nearby factory.

They looked very surprised.

"Is this a train? It looks so advanced... No wonder there are so many goods from Liyue in the city, it's really amazing..."

Sit in the car.

A breeze blew in through the window.

Very comfortable.

Transfer group 1001671055

The originally boring journey gradually became neglected because of the nearby scenery.

When Ying took Paimeng off the train.

Only then did I understand what prosperity is.

on the street.

There are pedestrians everywhere.

There was a constant stream of hawking.

Moreover, there is a port nearby, and the railway tracks are actually suspended above the sea.


As the train approaches.

Paimon was shocked: "A thing as heavy as a train can actually sail on the sea... Oh my God, how can this be done..."

"Oh...you are talking about this. Its name is the sea train...it will be opened to Mondstadt in a few days. According to calculations, it can reach Mondstadt from Liyue in one hour at most!"

Yura explained to them.

One hour?

This is too fast.

Yingmei asked at this time: "Are these all Su Han's handiwork?"

"Well, it should be considered..."

Yura said vaguely.

The secrets of the main mission groups cannot be exposed at will.

Just cover up what you can naturally.

After looking around, Paimon asked: "Where is Su Han? Why can't he see..."

"He's on the artificial island in Yunlaihai. I'll take you there..."

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