Yula led the two of them.

Show the document to someone at the Port General Services Division.

Then, under the leadership of the other party, they went to the artificial island.

Fifteen minutes later.

A group of people came to the artificial island.

Said it was an island.

In fact, it only covers an area of ​​​​1,000 square meters.

There are ships and workers everywhere.

Large amounts of ore were transported and then shipped away by ship.

Su Han was discussing something with Sugar.

"The collection speed of submarines is still a bit slow. It is best to use coating technology to build large elevators, so that the collection speed can be improved...

Otherwise, the output in one day is too low..."

"Well, I will study the coating technology... There are still some technical breakthroughs that need to be made. It will probably be completed in four or five days."

Sugar said confidently.

Chapter 210 Your brother has caused me a lot of trouble, Ying’s fighting talent

"Hey...Su Han, we are here..."

"Hello, we meet again."

Compared to Paimon's Jiraimi.

Yingmei looked a little embarrassed.

However, for the sake of her brother, she didn't care.

Su Han turned around and said with a smile: "I originally wanted you to stay in Mondstadt for a while, but it seems... more eager than I thought."

"Yes, although I have just woken up. But... the pain of losing a loved one makes it impossible for me to settle down."

Looking at the pure and sweet Yingmei.

Su Han nodded and said: "I understand your mood, let's chat somewhere else first. A rest room has been established on this island.

Let’s go sit inside...”


A group of people came to the house on the artificial island.

To cope with the frequent waves.

The houses here are all underwater buildings.

Utilize coating technology.

Isolated from sea water.

An underwater space is formed.

Come to the room.

You can even see what's inside the water.

From time to time you can see traces of fish swimming through it.

Paimon lay down in front of the water film, looking at the fish, and couldn't help but scream: "Wow... I can see things on the bottom of the sea, fluorescent...

Come and take a look. "

"this is..."

At this time, Yingmei was also shocked by the underwater room.

The whole house is not upside down.

Instead, it is a room suspended in the water, with boss bricks all under your feet, and you can see everything below.

It’s not just fish.

Even pressing the switch.

There will also be water plants to obscure the view.

during break.

Very convenient.

Looking at the little Paimon flying around, Ying asked Su Han: "Why is there an underwater room here?"

"Because there are always strong winds and waves on the sea surface, but there are no such storms underwater. There are also formations arranged nearby.

The underwater room is just an attempt, and an underwater city may be built in Liyue Port in the future! "

Coating technology.

It can dive to 10,000 meters without any problem.

After research by Granu and Albedo, this technology can form an underwater protective shield when it matures.

Underwater structures will then be built.

For Liyue, it is very important.

Not only mining veins, but also rich people will like this kind of place very much.

"That will definitely make a lot of money, right? No wonder Mondstadt is full of your products...it's so rich..."

Pamon came to his senses.

The words were full of envy.

If there are so many molas, I don’t know how much food I can buy.

Su Han smiled when he heard this and said: "Rich should be described as Ningguang. My words... I spent it quickly even if I earned it.

Like the train you take.

There is also a sea train under construction.

Both require a lot of mola. "

"Um...now can you tell me something about your brother?"

The atmosphere looks good.

Ying finally asked her question.

I saw her eyes fixed on Su Han.

I am afraid that the other party will deceive me.

"Your brother...although I have never met him, but...his men have repeatedly caused me a lot of trouble..."


"Because he is on the opposite side of everyone! The reason why I let you stay in Mondstadt for a while is because I want you to understand him personally.

The wishes of these creatures..."

Paimon, who was next to him, heard his words.

Suddenly I couldn't help being surprised.

"You...you mean, Ying's brother...is from the abyss!!!"

"Yes, in the past two months, Abyss and I have fought against each other many times, but...the other party has always failed! The first time we fought was in the rocky abyss.

In the second battle, the opponent controlled the Wind Demon Dragon, one of the four wind guardians of Mondstadt.

Each time, we paid a heavy price.

Take the Wind Demon Dragon as an example. We lost hundreds of people... There are records in the files in Mondstadt.

Back then, I was not as strong as I am now.

With the help of the immortal's hand, the Wind Demon Dragon was forced back! "

I heard that my brother actually existed like this.

Ying's first reaction was disbelief.

He is obviously such a gentle person.

But why would his brother...why would he do this?

Looking at Ying, whose expression was not good, Su Han said gently: "Now you understand my intention, whether you believe it or not.

It's okay not to believe it...

You will meet him one day after all.

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