Before you wake up, so to speak.

The other party has already completed the entire world's travels, and finally chose to turn into the abyss... At present, there are very few things about the abyss in Liyue.

But there are still some remnants of the Abyss in Mondstadt.

Maybe you can investigate some clues about him... Of course, I will also inform you about his affairs in the future. "

"No...I believe what you say. have no need to lie to me..."

Ying is not a fool.

On the contrary, she is very smart.

In fact, since Su Han appeared, she could feel a unique aura about him.



Full of sunshine.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have listened to the other party's words.

Eyes can be deceiving.

But breath definitely doesn't.

This is her ability.

At this time, Youla stood up and said with a smile: "Is the chat over? Come and discuss with me... I haven't moved my muscles for a long time...

I want you to see how strong I am now.

Something is lacking. "

"Okay... let's go back to Jade Pavilion. Paimon and Ying come too. There are a lot of delicious food there, and you will also meet a lot of friends."

Faced with Su Han's invitation.

Paimon rebelled directly.

"Okay!! Let's go...right? Ying..."


Although I only had direct contact with him for a few hours.

But Ying has already discovered it.

I am no match for this little guy.

The way to go back is naturally not to take a boat.

But flying with a sword.

Little Paimon sat on Su Han's shoulder and asked, "This way of flying is really convenient. Can Ying learn it too?"

"Of course, but...she doesn't have a weapon yet. I'll ask the craftsmen to make one for her later."

Teach Yingmei how to wield a sword.

That's good advice.

In this way, the other party can come to Liyue to find him if he has nothing to do.

Arrive at Qunyu Pavilion.

Only then did Paimon understand what true wealth means!

Every inch of brick and tile is custom-made.

The interior decoration is even more gorgeous.

Of course, the shocker is...there's extra room inside.

At this time, Paimon whispered to Ying.

"Their so-called sparring couldn't be another terrible battle like just now, right?"

"Hmm... I guess so. But it's good to watch more and learn their fighting methods. If a fight happens in the future, it will be easier."

Ying was really looking forward to that kind of fighting style.

Although rough.

But very generous.

Taking into account Yula's improvement in strength, Su Han chose an empty island for this battle.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Yura threw her coat and boots on the ground.

Then he summoned his big sword, smiled at Su Han and said, "Come on...test me to see if I have any shortcomings recently!"

" can take action now!"

Su Han holds Tie Shaya in his hand.

The expression is very bland.

Paimon and Ying looked at the two of them and started discussing.

"Why does it feel like Youla is very excited, but... Su Han is so calm? Is he already invincible?"

"You, watch first and then talk."

While talking.

The battle begins.

Yula directly exploded her elemental power, and at the same time used natural energy, the huge sword energy directly tore the sky.

That terrible howling wind.

It shocked Paimon directly.

" this Yura's swordsmanship? And...why can he capture the opponent's sword energy with his hand?"

At this time, Yula condensed the ice sword.

Su Han easily grasped it in his hand.

But there is no actual contact between the two.

"The gap is so big... Can you already see the future with your knowledge?"

.... ..... ...

"Not yet, I only see it occasionally in battles. However... the power of Overlord, combined with natural energy, can easily block your attack.

By the way, your speed of gathering strength is still too slow.

Will react to the enemy.

Explosive moves can easily expose weaknesses. "

Su Han pointed out Youla's weaknesses and reminded her at the same time.

The fighting method of the great sword does not rely on explosive power, but constant suppression.

Because she doesn't have the domineering look like Beidou.

Therefore, he was born to be at a disadvantage.

Youla pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Then you can launch an attack. It seems that I can block it..."

"Okay, then you are ready to accept the move..."

Two people in the distance.

Hearing that Su Han was about to take action.

I suddenly became excited.

The next moment, black thunder exploded and a terrifying momentum burst out from Su Han's body.


A gentle chop.

The black sword energy directly divided the beach into two halves.

The power of terror.

It even made the nearby seawater tremble.

Faced with this terrifying attack, Youla also unleashed her strongest strength, and finally blocked it.

But most of his clothes were torn to pieces.

"Just one attack has such a terrifying effect... It's too powerful."

Pamon couldn't help but whisper.

Su Han smiled at them and said, "Come here, Ying... I'll teach you how to use power."

"Okay, Su Han..."

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