Just defeat you and protect the boy named Naruto.

If you can provide some secrets of this world, or some treasures.

Then I can let you go..."


Nagato didn't expect that the surprise would come so suddenly.

Don't kill yourself.

Just need to beat.

That's so easy.

Can't you just admit defeat?

Although I don't understand where the other party comes from, as long as he doesn't kill himself, everything is easy to discuss.

Then Nagato wrote down all his ninjutsu with a pen, and then handed them over to the other party.

"Is this enough?"

"Well, goodbye then... By the way, someone asked me to remind you that the eyes of the Uchiha clan were transplanted to other people.

Will it be impossible to close the Sharingan... I find it interesting.

And you? "

After saying that, Zhongli left calmly.

Nagato, on the other hand, froze on the spot.

Why are you talking about the Uchiha clan all of a sudden?



Suddenly, Nagato's face turned extremely ugly.

Because his Samsara Eye cannot be closed freely, and chakra is consumed every moment!

If someone else said so.

Nagato must have scoffed.

However, the person speaking is a being more powerful than himself.

Nagato must consider the cause and effect relationship here.


When Zhongli returned to Konoha.

The ninjas here are beginning to carefully clean up the battlefield, because there is no reincarnation of Nagato.

Many people have died.

So everyone's expressions were very heavy.

Zhongli's appearance made the ninjas of Konoha a little scared.

At this time, Tsunade came to Zhongli and said, "Thank you for saving our Konoha Village, and thank you for saving Naruto.

Please tell me, what do you need..."

Talk to smart people.

It's always simple.

The other person was not from Konoha, so coming here was a big help.

If you don't repay the other party.

Tsunade will feel uneasy inside.

Looking at the other party's expression, Zhongli smiled and said: "What I want is very simple, some secret techniques of Konoha...preferably forbidden techniques.

Maybe you have already guessed where I am from.

I'm in another time and space.

Go back after the mission is over. "

"Go and take out the scroll of forbidden magic..."

Without thinking, Tsunade ordered the people around her to get the things.

The ANBU ninja disappeared.

A few minutes later.

He took the scroll that Naruto had stolen.

This is Konoha's treasure.

Countless forbidden techniques are recorded in it!

But today it was given to outsiders.

Zhong Li looked at what he got and said with a smile, "Well, it's this thing... In that case, I'll leave!"

"Sir, walk slowly..."

Watching the other party turn into a point of light and disappear.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, a figure wrapped in bandages appeared nearby.

"Tsunade, how could you give Konoha's forbidden art to a stranger..."

Replied Danzo.

It was a punch from the opponent.

"Old man, Konoha was attacked just now... Why didn't you come out? Now you come out asking questions... Do you feel that you are tired of living?"

Zhongli asked for something.

Does she dare not give it?

One Pain can destroy Konoha.

Well, defeat Pain easily.

The one who surrendered the Kyuubi.

How terrifying the other party would be.

Danzo dodged quickly.

However, when facing Tsunade.

He didn't say anything, but his face looked ugly.

A place far away from Konoha.

Zhongli held the scroll for the people in the group to identify.

Until you are sure something is correct.

Only then did I feel relieved.

Half an hour later.

The system beep appears.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the special mission to the heavens and receiving the mission points reward: 500,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The time you can stay is one hour. 】


Looking at this reward, Zhongli chose to return to the world of Teyvat.

In fact, there are loopholes in the mission.

For example, this mission.

If Nagato doesn't admit defeat, then he can delay it for a while.

Until the task deadline is reached.

That's when the mission failed.

Zhongli had just made an agreement with the other party to wait for a while before admitting his failure.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Everyone looked at the points.

Everyone gasped.

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