Beidou: "The special mission is really scary, a full five hundred thousand points..."

Gan Yu: "I feel like the special offer is refreshed. If the item is good, you can buy it directly..."

Mona: "'s true!"

This is the first time I encountered such a high amount of points.

I was really shocked.

Yae Shenzi: "By the way... I have asked this girl Ayaka Kamisato to cross the sea to Liyue. That forbidden jutsu and other ninjutsu are there.

Let her help translate it.

I bet you made a mistake..."

Mona: "Ah? We still need a translator... Wasn't it Yan Fei who helped translate last time?"

The chakra training method that Beidou obtained before.

It was completed with the help of Xueba Yanfei.

Yae Shenzi: "Don't you understand? There are so many things on the scroll of forbidden arts. If you are not a pure Inazuma, what should you do except for mistakes?

So, Kamisato Ayaka passed by.

That's the best choice..."

Ning Guang: "Okay... Anyway, I'm just here for a trip. When will I arrive?"

Yae Shenzi: "We used steam rune power, it will take about two days..."

Gan Yu: "Welcome..."

Xiang Ling: "Welcome Kamisato Ayaka, hey, I'll make delicious food for you later..."

Hutao: "Hey... everyone, look, the points mall in the group has been refreshed!"

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Everyone's eyes turned to the Points Mall.

Sure enough, the goods inside have been replaced with new ones.

[Sungrass]: A plant that can absorb the sun and convert it into a large amount of electrical energy.

[Effect]: A magical plant that can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity as long as it is sunny. It can grow on both the sea and land.

[Remarks]: You must have a water source to survive

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours


[Paladin training method]: A special training method from a certain world that can make people become powerful Holy Light Knights

[Tip]: You must have faith to practice the method

[Remarks]: The more pious a person is, the faster his cultivation will be.

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Holy Light Priest Cultivation Method]: A special cultivation method from a certain world that can make people become powerful Holy Light Priests

[Remarks]: You must have faith to practice the method

[Remarks]: Compared with Holy Light Knight, Holy Light Priest mostly has auxiliary and healing abilities.

.... ..... ...

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Helm of Control]: A powerful magic weapon of the undead system

[Introduction]: The powerful treasure from the Devouring Abyss is just an imitation, but it can still control the undead.

[Special]: As long as they are undead races, they cannot resist the power of the helmet.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Surgery Fruit]: The user with the ability of the fruit can cut, exchange, and splice anything at will, and can even exchange two minds.

[Remarks]: You need to have a very deep understanding of medical skills, otherwise the food will not be able to have a real effect.

[Ability]: Surgery and space

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...


[Bloodline of the Senju Clan]: A special bloodline originating from the world of Naruto

[Remarks]: After fusion, you can obtain the blood of the Senju clan, and there is a high chance that you can master the Wood Release Ninjutsu, and your vitality can be significantly improved.

[Special]: The vitality and chakra power in the body will be greatly increased, and it has a natural affinity for grass elements.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and twenty-three hours...

The products this time around are astonishing as always.

Each one is worth buying.

Even if it is a first-class product.

Sugar: "I think I should buy the sun grass first. After all, I can get electricity. I am worried about the power problem. If I have the sun grass.

You don’t have to worry so much..."

Although electric lights are now widely available.

But there are still some problems with the power supply.

Many devices require large amounts of electricity.

But now the sun grass can provide a large amount of power, which really solves the urgent need.

Ningguang: "Hmm... Sun Grass. I bought both job transfer books... As for the issue of faith, I think we are all believers in God.

Moreover, you can also add some strength.

Su Han, these two job transfers.

It should be pretty good, right? "

Su Han: "More than that...if I guessed correctly, a profession with the element of light will be born." Guang.

Chapter 216 The group leader’s special reward, Holy Light Naru and Burning Fruit!

Holy Light Knight and Holy Light Priest.

If I guessed correctly.

It should be a profession in the world of Azeroth, where the priests and paladins believe in the power of the Holy Light.

Thus a new path of cultivation was born.

However, since the system has given rewards.

Then, there is definitely no need to believe in the Holy Light.

But the system displays again.

It requires a certain amount of faith.

Maybe it’s required by the cultivation method.

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