On top of Longji Snow Mountain.

Su Han holds the natural tooth in his hand and is harvesting the souls of monsters.

Natural teeth cannot kill the enemy.

But it can collect souls.

Then it would be enough for him to use his Haki to kill people and then harvest their souls.

A large number of Qiuqiu people and abyss monsters died under Tianshengya.

And their soul fragments turned into countless light points and flew into the blade.

Killed thousands of monsters.

Only then did Su Han decide to return.

However, it was completely dark by now.

Returned to Qunyu Pavilion.

He came to the locust tree box.

The natural tooth was extracted.

"Is it possible to nourish the soul inside with the absorbed soul power?"

"Yes! Master..."

It seems to have absorbed a lot of soul power.

Tian Tianya's soul also became stronger and more powerful.

A touch of light blue light.

It flew into the soul box.

Fushe Yaksha, who was sleeping, felt that his soul was being repaired and woke up directly.

"Hmm...what is this? My body seems to be very comfortable..."

"Is it you again? Young man...Thank you for coming to help me..."

Hear each other's voices.

Su Han smiled and said: "Will this power help you? Fu She..."

"Yes...and it's big, but 470...don't hurt yourself because of me..."

The other party is always so gentle.

Even if the soul is weak.

He didn't want Su Han to get hurt because of himself.

"It's okay...these soul powers are the souls of those monsters, and they have been purified...please enjoy them with peace of mind."

I heard Su Han explain this.

Fushe stopped struggling.

About half an hour later.

A vague figure slowly appeared in the room.

"Huh... I didn't expect that one day we would see the light of day again. It would be great if Brother Boyang could see it. It's a pity... He is just a mortal..."

After Fushe condenses out of the body.

Still sighed.

Su Han contacted Gan Yu and invited the Demon-Conquering Holy Mandrill over.

And tell the other person.

There is a happy event.

Almost twenty minutes later.

The green wind comes from the rocky abyss.

"Su Han...what do you want from me? You can just keep those treasures for use. I...I...brother Fushe? Your soul..."

"Hehe...Jin Peng, you didn't expect it, did you? I have recovered with the help of this little brother. Although I can only concentrate for a while, it is enough."

"Brother...this is great!"

Seeing the two brothers reunited.

Su Han withdrew silently.

Give this rare time to the two of them.

However, with this attempt.

It also made him understand that as long as he has enough soul power, he can maintain the continuation of his soul.

Even if you can't enter the soul box of the locust tree.

"It seems... we really have to advance the date of going to Inazuma, otherwise... I'm afraid something might happen to [Raiden Shin]'s soul."

Although according to the historical process.

It will be a year before the other party's soul is gone.

But...who knows whether the butterfly effect will bring this process forward.

After all, there has already been a case of promotion and awakening.

If you don't defeat Raiden Movie, then resurrecting Raiden's real soul would be a good idea!

Both methods can get Inazuma to open up.

Chapter 238 Su Han swallowed the power of the underworld, and the missions in the heavens were refreshed

"It's a pity...the two Yaksha sisters and one brother couldn't survive. Otherwise...if there was little friend Su Han, we would be reunited now..."

Look at the brother in front of you.

Fushe's eyes were full of regret.

The past keeps lingering in front of my eyes.

I just regret that I was also affected by karma at that time.


Looking at the pained eldest brother, Mandrill comforted him: "We have done everything we can. There is a saying among humans that we must cherish the present moment...

I used to think that mortal life is short.

What wisdom can there be.

Now I realize that I was wrong...Brother, live a good life.

As long as we are alive, we have a chance...maybe one day, our relatives will come back to us..."

Yaksha fights with each other to kill.

Cold temperament.

Mandrill always believed that those feelings did not exist in him.

However, seeing the changes in Liyue and the resurrection of brother Fushe.

He discovered that his concept was wrong!

Cherish the people in front of you.

That is a truth that humans have realized over thousands of years.

When I was young, several older brothers and sisters often encouraged me and tried to let me have real feelings.

But... Mandrill was very young at that time.

I don’t understand the good intentions of my brothers and sisters at all.

I just feel like Yaksha.

Killing together is enough.

But it wasn't until I lost everything and stared at the night sky alone that I realized...the beauty of those days.

Looking at Mandrill comforting him, Fu She was stunned.

Then he laughed loudly and said: "Brother, you have really changed a lot...it seems like these hundreds of years.

You learned a lot..."

Fushe was extremely emotional.

Time really can change everything.

After the two chatted for ten minutes.

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