Fushe felt a little tired and said to Mandrill: "Brother Jinpeng, I can't do it anymore... I'm a little tired and I need to take a rest.

Let’s talk about it another day after the soul has solidified..."

"Well, brother, please rest..."

Mandrill said with a smile.

Watching the elder brother's soul fly into the soul box.

He also turned and left.

Come outside.

Su Han walked out to Mandrill and said with a smile: "I can see that you are in a good mood..."

"Well, it's natural to be happy when brothers meet again... I used to feel that it was enough for me to just do my duty as a yaksha, but I ignored my emotional needs.

Looking back now, I realize that I have missed many beautiful things.

No wonder the emperor said that I was young..."

Only when you lose can you know the beauty.

This is the essence of all living things.

This is also where you should learn.

At this time, Gan Yu walked up and asked with a smile: "Senior Mandrill, it's almost noon, do you want to stay and have lunch together?"

"Well... that's fine, I'll spare your trouble. By the way... if there's anything you don't understand about martial arts, you can come and ask me..."

Mandrill smiled.

It's no longer as cold as it used to be.

He even wanted to take the initiative to give guidance to everyone.

After all, Su Han had helped him so much, and he wanted to give back to him.

Moreover, Mandrill is a Yaksha, so he may not understand other things.

But ordinary immortals are not as proficient in combat matters as this Jinpeng Yaksha!

When Su Han heard about such a good thing, he immediately asked the other party about the power of space.

"Mandrill, I recently acquired a move, but... I haven't been able to perfect it. Please help me find out what's wrong...〃~"

"Space move?"

Mandrill looked at Su Han with confusion.

The space move is unusual.

It seems that his strength has improved again.

"Yes! Its name is Ming Dao Zangeue Po, and it can activate a special power of time and space to kill the enemy!"

Su Han pulled out the natural tooth.

The blade instantly turned into the color of the quiet starry sky.

I saw him swinging his knife towards the wooden pile in the distance.

The power of the underworld formed quickly.

But regardless of the flying speed of the move.

Still lacking in strength.

Watching the power of the underworld eat away at the wooden stake, Mandrill commented: "This power is very good, but... the moves are not perfect, because... this power is not yours.

But it belongs to this knife.

You can see that you are just using the power of the knife.

If you can swallow this power, you can use it freely..."


"Yes, peel off the core of power and turn it into your own power. Only in this way can you control the power of space. Otherwise...

It doesn't matter if you exercise.

Because the power in the sword is not perfect..."

Jing Zhu reminds me this.

Su Han suddenly realized.

In the original work, Tianshengya's underworld path was peeled off from Tieshangya.

It is indeed imperfect.

It wasn't until the two swords fought together that they evolved into a complete Ming Dao.

However, the Tie Suiya in his hand has no residual power of the underworld.

When I first got it.

It's just an initialized piece of iron broken teeth.

It seems that the only way to try it is to use the mandrill method.

If you can swallow the power of the underworld.

Then, use the Underworld Waning Moon Breaker.

It will become simpler and more perfect.

Su Han inserted the Tiansheng Ya into the ground, and then pulled out the Tie Suiyang.

"Strip out the power of the underworld from the natural teeth..."

"Yes, Master!"

Tie Suiya's sword spirit responded obediently.

When the two swords collide.

Tian Tianya began to tremble.

The power of the underworld within the blade.

Being plundered quickly.

Of course, it is also Su Han's weapon, so there is no resistance.

Almost ten minutes later.

The power of the underworld inside was stripped away.

At this time, Mandrill asked: "Do you need my help?"

"No...as long as you know how to do it, I can handle the rest."

Su Han smiled faintly.

He activated the Tie Suiya in his hand.

A seed of the power of the underworld appeared in front of everyone.

The power of darkness.

Extremely profound.

As scary as a black hole.

Hu Tao frowned and said: "Is this the power of the underworld? Why do I feel the breath of death..."

"Su Han once said that the underworld is the world of death, so it is normal for the power to contain death!"

"But can he really swallow death?"

Faced with Keqing's inquiry.

Everyone looked at Su Han.

The power of the underworld is not so easy to digest.

This attempt would be life-threatening.

Su Han thought for a moment, grabbed it decisively, and pressed it into his body.

The power of the underworld.

Even Inuyasha can master it.

Why can't I control it myself?

He has the blood of Qinglong.

Is it impossible to conquer even the power of the underworld?

Entering the body with the power of the underworld.

Su Han's circulation skills began to be absorbed.

The force of nature moves quickly.

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