Luffy talks to Beidou through.

I have gradually understood Liu Ying.

But... even though he had learned something like Liu Ying... the majesty of the Four Emperors could not be trampled upon by him.

Big Mom was beaten until she vomited some blood.

The surrounding cadres were also extremely shocked.

Others exclaimed one after another.

But...this move also made BIG·MOM wake up.

" don't think that this kind of attack can defeat me, do you...Tch...I'm getting more and more arrogant. All cats and dogs dare to challenge me.


The hat turned into a sword.

BIG·MOM's domineering energy burst out from within her body unbridled.

Nami looked at the other party's terrifying figure.

I couldn't help but gasp.

But Big Mom said with a cruel smile: "You are very early if you want to challenge the Four Emperors... Weiguo!!!"

She moves quickly.

Luffy and others reacted quickly.

Just dodge out.

A huge shock wave erupted directly from the scimitar.

The entire castle was destroyed in half! !

The nearby buildings were completely torn apart by the impact.

Nami's eyes turned white.

He knelt directly on the ground.

"Woo... let's run away, okay? This kind of enemy... we can't defeat at all..."


This is really terrible.

It's not a move that humans can perform at all.

This sword wanted to cut the island in half.

Little Rabbit Garrot nodded wildly.

Chopper, on the other hand, cried and said: "This must be a nightmare... It must be a nightmare... It would be nice if Sister Beidou came over. No... It would be best if it was Mr. Zhongli."

It must be Mr. Zhongli. "

They feel that they are no longer a match for Big Mom.

Only the big boss Zhongli can handle everything.

Chapter 280 Luffy was defeated by Big Mom, the Yonko was nothing more than that!

Capone Becky said with a stern face: "Damn... He can obviously assassinate that old woman, why is your captain disobedient... This time we are in trouble.

I'm afraid I'm going to die here too. "

Confront the Four Emperors head-on.

This is already a very uncomfortable thing.

The key is to attack in the center of the opponent's lair.

This is simply courting death.

Brooke heard the words and smiled bitterly: "There is no way... Now we can only hope that the captain will defeat this monster..."

"Do you think it's possible? Skull..."

Capone Becky glared at him bitterly.

Want to defeat BIG·MOM, what an international joke.

It’s really hard to think that people are just doing the job.

If the powerful move just now falls on them, it will basically be goodbye on the road to hell.

However, after one move, Auntie did not continue to use this move.

Instead, he looked at Luffy coldly and said, "You can't use it here. The emperor's battle will change the entire island... You are not worthy!"

She reached out and took Sun Hozmi's hand.

He threw it directly towards Luffy.


Earth-shattering explosion.

It rang again.

Although Luffy barely escaped, he... was also injured.

The domineering time limit keeps returning to zero.

He had to do something, otherwise...if he couldn't defeat Big Mom, he would lose air.

"Fourth Gear·Snake Man Form..."

Luffy had no choice but to activate his new form in advance.

Compared to Bounce Man.

Snake people are faster.

He had to launch a storm-like attack on Big Mom.

"Snake Man Machine Cannon..."

Luffy appeared in front of Big Mom.

The snake-man form completely exploded.

However, although the fist was extremely fast, it felt nothing when it landed on the opponent's body.

"Kid...are you tickling me?"

The aunt was annoyed by the tossing.

The top of his head was already burning with flames.

The long knife in hand.

It keeps growing, even growing fangs.

"Destruction Blade..."

The sword energy tore out.

Luffy quickly ran away.

Unfortunately, he had no room to dodge when he jumped into the air, and was directly blasted away by Big Mom's knife.

The power of overlord color entanglement.

Directly into the body.

Let him feel the terror of the Four Emperors in advance.


Luffy vomited blood and flew backwards, and his whole body began to feel deflated.

Nami, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene.

Complete despair inside.

Sanji gritted his teeth and caught up with Luffy in the sky, holding him in his arms.

"Damn it...this old woman is so difficult to deal she's in trouble..."

The control on him was gone now.

Because this wedding is a scam.

However, now that the assassination has failed, it is extremely difficult to escape.

The Yonko aunt is going crazy.

Who can stop it?

This is a difficult question.

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