Sanji understands that that bastard Becky is unreliable. Even if Germa 66 fights with him, he is definitely no match for the Big Mom Pirates.

"Hey...where do you want to go, you traitor!!!"

When Sanji was thinking about life.

A terrifying voice appeared behind him.

The temperature skyrocketed.

Sanji shuddered and turned his head to look behind him.

I don’t know when.

That monster that looks like the sun.

It actually came behind him.

"'s going to end!!!"

Sanji's expression changed greatly.

Just now he didn't continue to activate his seeing color.

It is very difficult to escape now.

The armed color is directly wrapped.

He was prepared to resist the blow.

But at this moment, a terrifying sword energy flashed in front of him.


Prometheus screamed in agony as he was penetrated by the slash.

Because of the sword energy inside.

Contains an extremely terrifying power.

Make it very painful.

Almost like dying.

The aunt in the distance heard the sound and quickly asked: "Prometheus... Prometheus... what happened!"

Fireball in the sky.

Divided into two halves.

It took a long while to coalesce into one body.

However, the breath was already very weak.

I saw Prometheus flying back to the aunt, and said in panic: "Mom...someone stabbed me outside, and I almost died..."

"Oh? There is such a thing..."

Charlotte Lingling looked shocked.

Prometheus who can hurt himself.

There was absolutely no way he could do it with the Straw Hat boy who was defeated by him.

Could it be that...there are other people coming to interfere with this banquet?

She headed outside.

At this time, another slash struck.

BIG·MOM's response speed is very fast.

This is the sword energy coming towards him.

At the same time, it's very scary.

"Looks like he's a good enemy!!! Someone who can emit this kind of sword energy shouldn't be an ordinary person..."

"The Flame of the Blade Mother..."

A sword with a lot of fire power attached to it.

He slashed hard in front of him.

Everyone still didn't know what was going on.

The empty place erupted with extremely terrifying concussive power.

Two sword energies are fighting.

One side is flame.

One side is the Thunder.

At this time something shocking happened.

Big Mom's powerful slash.

It was actually blocked.

You know, these are the Four Emperors! ! !

The power of the country just now was so terrifying.

Now there is someone who can block her knife, which is really terrifying.

Along with the falling ruins.

People looked over there one after another.

Including naval spies.

Auntie’s sons and daughters.

Even Becky and Nami were paying attention to who would appear.

This battle today.

It seems that some were beaten.

Less than a minute.

Accompanied by hearty laughter, a woman appeared in front of everyone carrying a big sword.

"Oops...Long time no see! Pirates...if I'm not mistaken, we haven't seen each other for a while..."

That bold figure.

And that exaggerated sword.

no doubt.

This man is the strong man who defeated the general and Doflamingo! ! !


When Nami saw the other party appear, she burst into tears! ! !


Finally the savior arrived.

She could hardly bear it anymore.

Brooke said in shock: " this person the one who defeated Fujitora? I didn't expect him to come... We should be saved!!!"

"Tch... It's early, Skeleton... You really think too much, this is Cake Island... We have completely pissed off Big Mom, it's not that easy to retreat.

In front of the Four Emperors.

The general is nothing!

If the general is really useful, why would the navy not even dare to enter the new world? "

The strength of the three generals.

Everyone knows it.

The other party allowed the new world to become a paradise for pirates.

Or because they can't defeat these monsters.

It even pissed off the Four Emperors.

The rule of the navy will become a problem.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

After all, people can go by boat, but the navy must guard the base.

At this time, another person appeared in front of everyone.

The opponent has a red ponytail and also carries a big sword in his hand.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.

Looking at the aunt and others, the other party murmured to himself: "Sure enough, we came to the right place. There are many strong people here. We can have a good fight..."

"Yes, there are many strong men hiding in the dark. I hope to have a good fight today. After all... we Mondlanders are almost all out."

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